Managing Credentials

This section includes the following topics:

Creating Credentials
Updating and Rotating Credentials
Removing Credentials

To view and manage the credentials available in this account, navigate to the Automation menu and click Credentials. Use the account selector at the top of the page to select which account you are looking at. Remember that credentials are scoped to an account, so they only exist and can be used within the selected account. Your existing credentials are shown in the list. Selecting a credential will show all of the non-sensitive information about the credential, including when it was created and last updated.

Credentials can also be managed via the Credentials API.

Creating Credentials

To create a new credential, click New Credential. A slideout will appear with all of the configuration options for the credential. The first field allows you to select which type of credential to create. Depending on what's selected, different fields will be available. There is a common set of inputs for all credential types as follows:

Credential Name - User-friendly name for the credential. This name will show in the Credentials page list and in the list of available credentials when applying a policy.
Credential Identifier - The unique ID for this credential in this account that is used to identify the credential in API calls. This value is auto-generated from the name, or can be tailored as you see fit. Once a credential is created, its identifier can not be changed.
Credential Description - Brief description of the credential that is shown on the Credentials page.
Provider - A free-text field that is used to match this credential with credentials specified in policy templates when using generic credential types. For more details, see Matching Credentials to Policies.

For details on how to connect credentials for various services, see Generic Credentials and Provider-Specific Credentials.

When creating a new credential using the API, use the PUT call for the specific credential type that you are trying to create and the ID of the call you make becomes the credential identifier. A list of all available API credential types can be found in the Credentials API documentation.

Updating and Rotating Credentials

To update any part of a credential, including the key material, navigate to the Automation menu and click Credentials. Select the correct account, select the credential, and click Edit in the lower-right corner. Once a credential is updated, any policy using that credential will use the new information the next time it is evaluated.

When updating a credential using the API, use the PATCH call for the credential you are modifying and provide any fields that require updating.

Removing Credentials

To remove a credential, navigate to the Automation menu and click Credentials. Select the correct account, select the credential in the list, and click Remove in the lower-left of the page. When a credential is removed, any policy that uses that credential will fail evaluation from that point forward. Such policies need to be re-applied with a new credential to continue functioning.

When removing a credential using the API, use the DELETE call with the path of the credential you are removing