
DocuSign operates a cloud-based electronic signature platform that helps small- and medium-sized businesses, enterprises, and individuals collect information, automate data workflows, and electronic signatures on various devices.

DocuSign automates manual and paper-based processes and enables users to manage authentication, digital signature, forms and data collection, collaboration, and workflow automation and storage.

Important:Note the following current SaaS Management integration limitations with DocuSign:

The DocuSign integration setup supports only a production/live account.
For organizations with multiple accounts configured in DocuSign, SaaS Management does not show the relationship of the licenses and users to each account.

The following sections describe the DocuSign integration with SaaS Management in further detail.

Stored DocuSign Information
Required Minimum Permissions for DocuSign
DocuSign Authentication Method
Required DocuSign Credentials
DocuSign License Types
Integrating DocuSign With SaaS Management
Auto-Populated DocuSign License Information
Managing Available DocuSign Licenses
DocuSign API Endpoints

Stored DocuSign Information

The following table describes the available integration tasks and stored data within SaaS Management.

Available Integration Tasks

Information Stored

Application Roster

User ID
First Name
Last Name
Active Date (Created Date and Time)
Plan Name

License Differentiation

See DocuSign License Types and Tracking Application Activity by License Type for License Differentiation.

License Information

Plan Name
Plan ID

Note:Consider the following:

The SaaS Management License Information integration task retrieves information once every 24 hours. Therefore, the data in your DocuSign Billing may not match the data in SaaS Management.
SaaS Management captures all DocuSign licenses. However, SaaS Management does not support DocuSign consumption-based licenses, so these licenses are displayed as inactive in the SaaS Management UI.

Note:The information stored is subject to change as enhancements are made to the SaaS application.

Required Minimum Permissions for DocuSign

The minimum API required permissions are based on the Required Scopes for DocuSign and the Required DocuSign User Permission Profile .

Required Scopes for DocuSign



Integration Task Name


Used when requesting an access token.

Required for authorization


Required to call API endpoints for eSignature.

Application Roster 

License Information 

Required DocuSign User Permission Profile

User Permission Profile


Integration Task Name

DS Admin (Administrator)

Required to authorize the Required Scopes for DocuSign .

Application Roster 

License Information 

DocuSign Authentication Method

The required authentication method is OAuth 2.0 With Authorize Flow. For more information, see DocuSign’s documentation topic, How to Get an Access Token With Authorization Code Grant.

Required DocuSign Credentials

The following credentials are required:


Note:Username and Password are required only for authorizing the application. They are not stored in SaaS Management.

DocuSign License Types

Your organization’s DocuSign plan can have multiple users in a single account based on the subscribed plan and pricing. All users fall under the same plan and pricing of the parent account.

Following are the available DocuSign plans to date:

eSignature Plans and Pricing
Business Pro
Developer Plans and Pricing
Real Estate Plans and Pricing

Integrating DocuSign With SaaS Management

Complete the following steps to integrate DocuSign with SaaS Management.

To integrate DocuSign with SaaS Management:

1. Add the DocuSign application in SaaS Management. For more information, see Adding an Application.
2. After clicking Authorize, you will be directed to the DocuSign login portal.
3. Enter the DocuSign Username and Password of the Administrator user and click Accept to authorize the required permissions for calling the APIs used in the Integration.

For further information on managing and optimizing your organization’s DocuSign licenses, see:

Auto-Populated DocuSign License Information
Managing Available DocuSign Licenses
Tracking Application Activity by License Type for License Differentiation.

Auto-Populated DocuSign License Information

The SaaS Management integration with DocuSign offers a License Information integration task that automatically retrieves every 24 hours the name of the DocuSign plan, license type, and total allowed number of licenses. This auto-populated DocuSign license information provides a more complete view of your DocuSign SaaS entitlements and component usage by displaying assigned entitlements.

Important:If you enable the License Information integration task, you need to enter and keep up to date the following Licenses Tab information. The License Information integration task does not pull in this information. The SaaS application’s annual spend calculation relies on entered and accurate license effective and expiration dates.

Effective Date 
Expiration Date 
Payment Frequency 

To auto-populate DocuSign license information, see Auto-Populated Managed SaaS Application License Information. When the License Information integration task is enabled, the License type, Name, and Provisioned fields in the DocuSign Licenses tab are disabled as this information is automatically populated. The active and inactive ingested license data from DocuSign can be compared against your DocuSign Billing.

Managing Available DocuSign Licenses

After the License Information integration task for Auto-Populated DocuSign License Information is enabled, you can add or remove the DocuSign product licenses you wish to manage within SaaS Management. To manage available DocuSign licenses, see Managing Available SaaS Application Licenses.

DocuSign API Endpoints

Application Roster (Use this API endpoint to obtain the base URL and account ID, which are used for the following API endpoint) 

License Information
