Salesforce Users tab

Note:This feature is available with SaaS Management.

The Salesforce Users tab provides detailed information relating to each Salesforce user. This new tab enables the right decisions to be made by providing a detailed view of usage across all Salesforce licenses.

SaaS Management’s integration with Salesforce now pulls in the following user information:

User ID
User License
Permission Set License
Feature Set License
Days Since Last Activity
User Type
Account Created Data

The Salesforce Users Tab includes the same features as the Managed Applications Users UI:

By default, the email column is static and will remain frozen and visible when other columns are adjusted or pinned
Sorting lists in the order you prefer
Filtering lists to view only the information that meet the necessary criteria
Pinning and auto sizing columns for easier navigation
Improved search capabilities within a single column.

For further information, refer to the Salesforce Fields Integrated with SaaS Management Users Tab section of the Salesforce Integration Instructions.