Linking User-Account Evidence Using the Non-SAP System Details Page

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

To link user-account evidence to a non-SAP system using the details page of the non-SAP system:

  1. Open the details page of the non-SAP system to which you want to link evidence. For information on how to open the details page of a non-SAP system, see Viewing a Non-SAP System Details Page.
  2. On the details page, click Edit to open it in write-enabled mode.
  3. Under Connectivity, below the SAP user accounts field, click Add.
  4. In the Select User Accounts dialog, select the check box or check boxes of the SAP user account evidence that you want to link to the non-SAP system. To ensure that all user accounts are displayed, select the Show hidden user accounts check box.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Save.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
