Releasing Recommendations to the SAP Admin Module
By releasing recommendations to the SAP Admin module, you create a snapshot of the latest recommendations. This snapshot, or recommendation set, consists of license assignment recommendations and duplicate user recommendations. Only recommendations for SAP systems (as opposed to non-SAP systems) can be released to the SAP Admin module. After the set has been released to the SAP Admin module, it can be reviewed and processed. For more information, see Reviewing and Processing Released Recommendations.
All recommendation sets that have been released will be available on the History page. For more information, see License Position History.
There can be only one released recommendation set at a time. Before releasing another set, you need to process—accept or reject—the recommendation set that is currently released. For more information on processing recommendation sets, see Reviewing and Processing Released Recommendations.
To release recommendations for processing:
- Go to the Current Position page ().
- On the Current Position page, in the Tasks section, click Release recommendations to SAP.
- In the Create SAP Recommendation Set dialog, type a name and a description (optional) for this recommendation set, then click Create.
After you released a recommendations set, you need to review and process (accept or reject) the recommendations. To process the set immediately, complete the procedure under Reviewing and Processing Released Recommendations. If you do not want to process the set at this time, you can return to it later. To do so, go to the Current Position page (). Then click Review pending recommendations in the Tasks section on the Current Position page.
IT Asset Management (Cloud)