Calculated Consumption

Is often the sum of all Calculated consumption values that are visible on the Consumption tab of the license properties (see Calculated Consumption for the Consumption tab for details). However, the total may include both:
  • Consumption found in inventory from traditional IT infrastructure (and visible in the Consumption tab)
  • Container licensing reported by the IBM License Service (collected by either the Flexera Kubernetes Inventory Agent or the Lightweight Kubernetes Inventory Agent, typically for IBM VPC or IBM PVU licenses).
Tip: Do not look for a mathematical equation relating the consumption figures on this tab. Each one (listed here in descending order down the tab) is a simple copy of a total calculated elsewhere. Notice that, for totals copied from the Consumption tab, the Compliance tab always displays the unfiltered totals (that is, the full amounts that your access rights allow you to see, ignoring any searching or filtering you may have applied to the source columns in the Consumption tab):
Compliance tab field Source Notes
Consumed entitlements

On Compliance tab:

  • IBM PVU licenses: Peak consumed when IT Asset Management is in high-frequency mode; or when ILMT is responsible for sub-capacity calculations, shows the peak value imported from ILMT plus any full-capacity contributions from devices found in other inventory sources.
  • Other licenses: Raw consumption.

The key figure of interest to an auditor or publisher, this is the 'final answer' on consumption for this license (as at the last full reconciliation).

Raw consumption

Consumption tab, unfiltered total for the Consumed column

The inventory consumption calculations adjusted for machine exemptions, use rights, and the like. For many licenses, the Consumption tab Consumed column is the final answer for publishers. For IBM PVU licenses, this shows the current (most recent) consumption figures, which may be unrelated to the licensable number (the Peak consumed in the current reporting period is the licensable number for IBM PVU licenses).

Peak consumed

Only visible on Compliance tab for IBM PVU licenses when IT Asset Management is in high-frequency mode. During each full license reconciliation, the peak consumption for each IBM region is independently recalculated for the entire reporting period, taking into account all current settings (or data corrections). The global sum of these regional peaks (which may each happen at a separate time), plus any peak for devices not yet assigned to an IBM region, and current full capacity consumptions for other devices not eligible for sub-capacity consumption, becomes the updated Peak consumed for the current period.

If the peak is changed in a full license reconciliation, Raw consumption and Peak consumed are (briefly) equal.

In general, Raw consumption is often less than Peak consumed. This is because it shows the current consumption from the most recent license compliance calculations. If this current consumption is not (still) the peak value, then it must be less than the peak.
Tip: The date of a peak value is the end date of the sustained peak value. Next day, consumption went down. So if the (peak) consumption was 110 points from March 3 to April 15, and then fell to 90 points, the peak is shown as 110 points as at April 15.
Raw installations

Similar to the Consumption tab, unfiltered total for the Installed column.

This is the total count of installations of software related to the license. On the Consumption tab, the total for the Installed column is the total number of rows in (all pages of) the Related devices listing that display a Yes (simply put, it's how many devices have related software installed on them). For simple, single-product licenses, this may be the same as this Raw installations count, when each device has only one installation. However, there may be many reasons for the two values to be different: some licenses (such a multi-product licenses) allow multiple linked installations on the same device, increasing the raw installation count beyond the simple count of devices.

Another reason why this count may be unrelated to license consumption is that for other licenses, such as IBM PVU, each individual installation consumes a number of points determined in part by hardware inventory details. There may be no relationship obvious on this tab between installation counts and license point consumption.

Calculated consumption

Consumption tab, unfiltered total for the Calculated consumption column.

This is the license consumption for the inventory device that is calculated from imported inventory. This shows what the device would consume if it was consuming directly against the license, irrespective of any explicitly (manually) configured exemptions. You can use this value as a reference point for consumption.
Note: If a role-based exemption applies, then the Calculated Consumption is 0, in line with the license terms that don't require any consumption based on the role.
Depending on the license settings and the inventory sources used, the calculations may be for the full capacity of an inventory device or virtual host; or it may be for sub-capacity licensing.
Overridden consumption Consumption tab, unfiltered total for the Overridden consumption column.

The total value of overrides entered in the Consumption tab, regardless of whether each entry increases or decreases the calculated consumption result. As a result, there is no mathematical equation linking the values displayed on this tab. For more explanation, see Overridden Consumption.

For more about the relationships between various consumption fields (with special emphasis on IBM PVU licenses), see Relationships Between Consumption Fields.

This value is not editable.

Not available for CAL Legacy, IBM Authorized User, IBM Concurrent User, IBM Floating User, IBM UVU, Microsoft Device CAL, Microsoft SCCM Client User, Microsoft User CAL, Named User, Oracle Application User, Oracle Named User Plus, SaaS User, SAP Package, or User licenses.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
