Compliance Status

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
Generally, the read-only result of compliance calculations. Considers the purchased entitlements, extra entitlements (for which you cannot track purchase records), and consumption; and for other license types may also take account of other factors (such as the expiry date of Oracle licenses, or the processor details for Microsoft Processor licenses).
Tip: Although your access rights may limit which software installations you can see, the Compliance status always displays for the entire license, without scoping restrictions.

The Compliance status card displays one or more of these values:

  • At risk — The consumption exceeds entitlements. Only licenses whose entitlement limits are set as purchased can be at risk. One or more of the following reasons is given:
    • BYOL consumed quantity greater than purchased — The number of license entitlements being consumed under BYOL terms in your enterprise is greater than the number purchased. To investigate, check the Compliance tab for details of the number of licenses purchased; validate the settings on the Use rights & rules tab; and then check the Consumption tab for details of how the license has been consumed by software installations under BYOL terms.
    • Consumed quantity greater than purchased — The number of license entitlements being consumed in your enterprise is greater than the number purchased. To investigate, check the Compliance tab for details of the number of licenses purchased; and then check the Consumption tab for details of how the license has been consumed by software installations.

    • Invalid number of hardware sockets — The number of hardware sockets on one or more computers exceeds that allowed by the terms of the license. To investigate, check the computer properties Hardware tab for details of the sockets reported for each computer.

    • License does not meet user minimums — The number of users assigned to instances for this Oracle Named User Plus license does not meet the minimum requirements of the license terms. To investigate, check the Consumption tab for a summary of users assigned to instances for this license.

    • License has expired — The license end date has passed. To investigate, check the Identification tab for details of the license expiry date.

    • Option license does not match instance — The type of license linked to an Oracle Database option does not match the type linked to the Oracle database instance. While instance and options are licensed separately, it is an Oracle requirement that options have the same type of license as the instance to which they are applied. For example, if the database instance has an Oracle Processor license, then you must apply Oracle Processor licenses to all its options.

      To investigate, check the Consumption tab to find all linked instances. Click the linked instance name to open its properties. On the Options tab of the instance properties, you can identify all options associated with the instance. Double-clicking an option opens its own properties, and the linked license is identified on the Licenses tab.

    • Peak consumed quantity greater than purchased — The peak consumption identified for this license exceeds the quantity purchased. To investigate, check the Compliance tab for details of the number of licenses purchased (Entitlements from purchases), and the peak consumption (Peak consumed); and then check the Consumption tab for details of how the license has been consumed by software installations.

    • Supplementary product exceeds ratio — The number of supplementary products associated with this license exceeds the permitted ratio of supplementary products to primary product(s). To view the supplementary product rules for this license, see Configure Product Use Rights.

    • Unlicensed option installed — Oracle Database licenses require that Oracle Database options are separately licensed, using a matching license type. This database license is over-utilized because an option is installed and marked as used on at least one device to which this license is allocated; and that option does not have a separate license record. This risk reason is not relevant for option licenses themselves, and only appears on the "parent" database license.

  • Compliant — The calculated consumption is less than or equal to the total recorded entitlements (these may be recorded in one or many purchases linked to this license). If your data input is complete and accurate, this license is in good shape.
  • Not tracked — This is the initial (default) value for CAL Legacy, Oracle Legacy, and Concurrent User licenses, because the compliance status of these license types is not calculated by license reconciliation process. However, you can manually set the compliance status value in the Compliance tab of the properties for these licenses. Custom Metric licenses also start out as Not tracked, but for Custom Metric licenses you may manually set the value only if you first set the Set Compliance status manually check box in the Identification tab of the license properties.
  • Unknown — Inventory data cannot be used to determine the compliance status of this license. Typical reasons may include:
    • Missing calculations — You haven't yet run a compliance calculation (called a Reconcile, available in the Reconcile page, or run automatically overnight).
    • Missing applications — The license has no application linked. You can identify the installed software and link it to the license; or as a short-term workaround, you can switch to the Consumption tab, allocate the license to specific computers (or end-users, depending on license type), provided that in the Use rights & rules tab you expand the License consumption rules section and select the Allocations consume license entitlements check box.
    • Missing inventory details — This license may require details from hardware inventory that are currently not available. For example, Microsoft Server Core and Microsoft Server Processor licenses require the number of threads and cores or processors from hardware inventory. All inventory tools do not include these details. Prior to the 2012 release, Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (previously Microsoft SCCM) did not provide information on cores; and threads may be missing from various sources, and the license compliance cannot be accurately calculated without this information. Unless the license is already at risk, it is given a status of Unknown. To correct this, identify the computers linked to this license that are missing the necessary hardware properties, and set the values manually until you can change to an inventory tool that provides all required data. Consider augmenting the inventory on these computers with direct inventory gathering by IT Asset Management through an inventory beacon.
Compliance status may be edited only for Custom Metric licenses. First, on the Identification tab of the license properties, select Set Compliance status manually. Then you may switch to the Compliance tab, and manually change the Compliance status value. Choose from:
  • At risk where requirements of the license are not entirely met
  • Compliant if you claim that your use of the software complies with every requirement of the license
  • Not tracked if you no longer wish to track the requirements of this license, and your compliance with those requirements
  • Unknown where compliance should be tracked but currently you do not have the necessary information.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
