Inventory Without Assets
- To determine which inventory devices to manage as assets
- To Create an asset record to manage a device
- To Ignore an inventory record that is not to be managed as an asset. For example, a computer that belongs to a consultant.
- If you link an inventory device to an asset, the device record is removed from this page
- If you manually ignore a device, it also appears on the Ignored Inventory page.
- If you activate a device, its record also appears on the Active Inventory page.
This page enables you to perform the following actions on inventory device records:
- Search for an inventory device: For more information about using lists, filters, and other UI options, see the topics under Using Lists in IT Asset Management.
- Create an inventory device: See Create an Inventory Device.
- View or change the properties of an inventory device: See Create an Inventory Device.
- Delete an inventory device: See Deleting an Inventory Record.Note: Deleting a record updates the database immediately, as expected. However, if IT Asset Management is in 'high-frequency mode' (or 'PVU mode', responsible for sub-capacity points calculations in place of ILMT) and the inventory device appears in FlexNet inventory and is consuming from any IBM PVU licenses, the device record is not actually deleted straight away (and a different database update is performed instead, as follows). This is because IBM PVU licenses require retrospective calculation of consumption points for the entire reporting period (and this calculation is reworked from scratch as part of the nightly full compliance calculation), so that removing the device record while it should still influence those retrospective calculations would introduce an audit risk. Therefore, instead of being deleted immediately, devices still required for those calculations are given an Archived status (and immediately moved to the Archived Inventory page). An Archived device acts just like a deleted one in every way except its continued availability for retroactive corrections and retrospective calculations. Archived devices are automatically deleted once they can no longer affect consumption in the data retention period.
- Ignore an inventory device: See Ignoring an Inventory Record.
- Create an asset: To create an asset linked to an inventory record, select the inventory record, click Create an asset, and select the type of asset. The asset record is automatically created and linked to the inventory device record. You may also select multiple inventory devices, as long as you want to create the same kind of asset record for all selected devices.
- Link to asset: See Linking an Inventory Record to an Asset Record.
- Create a management view: The Save view as feature of IT Asset Management enables you to create customized management views of a page by saving the applied user interface settings. For more information, see Creating Saved Views.
This page displays the following columns (listed alphabetically). Some columns are displayed by default and others can be displayed through the column chooser. To manage columns and other UI options, see the topics under Managing Columns in a Table.
Field | Description |
Assigned user |
The user assigned to this inventory device. This assignment overrides the Calculated user. Editable in the Assigned field in Ownership tab of the inventory device properties. |
Calculated user |
The name of the most frequent
user of this inventory device, over the previous 10 inventory collections. This value is
calculated as follows:
The value of this field is automatically generated by IT Asset Management. Not available when any of the following is true:
Category |
The category of this device. IT Asset Management enables you to create customized categories to group inventory devices logically. These categories are additional to Inventory device type and Device role categorization. For example, you can create categories to differentiate database servers, network servers, or firewalls. The custom categories have no impact on license consumption. Editable in the General tab of the inventory device properties. |
Clock speed (MHz) |
The maximum clock speed (in MHz) of the processor that is installed in the inventory device. Editable in the Hardware tab of the inventory device properties (for manually-created records). If the value is gathered from inventory, it cannot be edited; however, it can be overridden. |
Cluster Name |
The name of the cluster to which a host or virtual machine (VM) is associated. Editable in the Hosts tab of the Cluster properties. |
Compliance status |
The compliance status of an inventory device. It can have any of the
following values:
The value is calculated by IT Asset Management and can be manually set on the General tab of the inventory device properties. |
Connection name |
The name of the connection through which IT Asset Management received the last inventory for this inventory device. Not editable. |
Cores |
The total number of processor cores available in a physical inventory device; or the number of cores assigned to an inventory device that is a virtual machine. Populated and (by default) updated by inventory imports, the number of Cores can be manually overridden in the Hardware tab of the inventory device properties (see Hardware Tab). |
Corporate unit |
The corporate unit responsible for the inventory device. Editable in the Corporate Units page under the Enterprise tab. |
Cost center |
The cost center responsible for all costs incurred for this inventory device. Editable in the Cost Centers page under the Enterprise tab. |
Created |
The date when this inventory record was created in IT Asset Management.
Tip: New inventory device records are created during a full import to the
compliance database, as new inventory is identified. Therefore it's
quite possible to have a creation date that is later than the inventory date,
with the difference being due to scheduling, such as the scheduling of imports
from third-party tools, or delays between the upload of FlexNet inventory and
the full import and compliance calculations (for example, if your full imports
are scheduled weekly, or the like).
Not editable. |
Creation method |
The method used to create the inventory device record. The possible
IT Asset Management generates the value of this field. |
Disk (GB) |
The total space of all hard drives installed on the inventory device, in Gigabytes. Editable in the Hardware tab of the inventory device properties (for manually-created records). The value is overwritten (permanently) by incoming inventory, and thereafter is read-only. Not editable for existing inventory devices. |
Display adapters |
The total number of display adapters installed in the inventory device. Editable in the Hardware tab of the inventory device properties (for manually-created records). The value is overwritten (permanently) by incoming inventory, and thereafter is read-only. Not editable for existing inventory devices. |
Domain name |
The name of the domain to which the computing device
Tip: Records fabricated for special purposes display
special values:
Editable in the General tab of the inventory device properties for manually created records. The value is overwritten (permanently) by incoming inventory, and thereafter is read-only. |
Hard drives |
The total number of hard drives installed in the inventory device. Editable in the Hardware tab of the inventory device properties (for manually-created records). The value is overwritten (permanently) by incoming inventory, and thereafter is read-only. Not editable for existing inventory devices. |
Host |
The name of the host server where this VM is a guest. Editable in the VM
properties tab of the inventory device properties.
Note: As long as incoming
inventory does not identify the host for this virtual machine, your manual entry is
preserved (that is, a null value in inventory never overwrites a manually-entered value).
However, once inventory returns a known host for this virtual machine, your value is
overwritten with the data from inventory. Should it happen that future inventory again
returns no value for the host name, the previous inventory value in this field is cleared,
matching the current inventory data.
Hosted in |
Shows whether the inventory device is on-premises (the default, meaning the device is within your enterprise), or in a cloud operated by a particular service provider. For some cloud service providers (like AWS and Azure), the Hosted in value is set automatically through inventory. For other cloud service providers, you must make a selection manually. Editable in the General tab of the inventory device properties. |
Hosted in cloud |
Indicates No if the inventory device is hosted on-premises (within your enterprise). Indicates Yes if the inventory device is hosted in the cloud by a cloud service provider. Most inventory devices hosted in the cloud are virtual machines; but this value is available for all inventory devices, because some cloud service providers also rent entire machines (for example, AWS provides dedicated hosts and bare metal instances). This is a convenience column for grouping/filtering inventory devices that are hosted in the cloud. The name of the cloud service provider for each inventory device is available in the Hosted in column. Not directly editable; but the cloud service provider can be specified in the Hosted in field in the General tab of the inventory device properties for a virtual machine. When that property is set to any value other than On-premises, this Hosted in cloud column displays Yes. |
Inventory chassis type |
The chassis type for an inventory device, as reported by the inventory process. This value cannot be edited, however you may override it with the Assigned chassis type setting. |
Inventory device type |
Specifies the type of the inventory device, which may be any of the
following values:
Editable in the Inventory device type field in the General tab of the inventory device properties. The value may be overwritten by incoming inventory. |
IP address |
The IP address of the inventory device. For inventory devices with multiple IP addresses (for example, those with multiple network cards), a comma-separated list (up to 256 characters) is shown. IP addresses in the IPv6 address family are not reported in FlexNet inventory for devices running UNIX-like operating systems. Editable in the General tab of the inventory device properties. |
Last inventory date |
The date when the most recent inventory information was collected by the Last inventory source for this inventory device. The inventory process generates the value of this field. |
Last inventory source |
If you have multiple overlapping inventory sources
that report on the same device, it is possible for some inventory details to
come from one source and other details from another source. This column
identifies the most recent source of inventory for this device, so that the
value may change as uploads from different sources are imported.
Tip: Although this inventory source provided the most recent inventory
import, it does not follow that every recorded hardware property value came from
this source. One of your inventory sources may be nominated as 'primary', and
any values imported from the primary source cannot be updated by other inventory
sources (although those non-primary sources can fill the gaps and update
properties that are missing from your primary inventory
inventory source names are system-provided, and cannot be modified. Most values are
self-explanatory; some less obvious ones include:
Tip: If you have custom inventory adapters, entries for these may
also appear in this column as appropriate.
Not editable. |
Last logged on user |
The name of the user that was discovered to be the last logged on user on this device. Click the linked full name to open the General tab of the user properties pages, and for details see General Tab. Not available when any of the following is true:
Linked asset |
The name of an asset, if any, that the device is linked to.
Tip: If
the status of the linked asset is set to Retired (in the
asset properties), the linked inventory device remains visible in the All
Inventory list, but is suppressed in the Out-Of-Date
Inventory list, regardless of how long it is since the device reported
The link between an inventory device and an asset is editable in the General tab of the inventory device properties. |
Location |
The location within your enterprise that is responsible for the device. Editable in the Ownership tab of the inventory device properties. |
MAC address |
The Media Access Control (MAC) address of the inventory device. If a
device has multiple network interface cards, this field displays a comma-separated
list of MAC addresses.
Tip: This field is deliberately empty for
discovered device records created automatically by the Amazon connector to
represent installations of Oracle Database within Amazon Relational Database
Service (RDS).
Editable in the General tab of the inventory device properties (for manually-created records). |
Manufacturer |
The manufacturer of the inventory device.
Tip: If the device
is a virtual machine (such as Linux KVM), this column may display the publisher
of the software that is running the VM.
Editable in the General tab of the inventory device properties (for manually-created records). |
Model |
The manufacturer’s model name or number for this device. Editable in the Model field in the General tab of the inventory device properties (for manually-created records). If the value is gathered from inventory, it cannot be edited, but it can be overridden by entering a new value in the Overridden field in General tab of the inventory device properties. The original value continues to display on the General tab, alongside the overridden value, and may be restored at any time. |
Network cards |
The total number of network cards installed in a physical inventory device; or the number of network cards accessible by the virtual machine. Editable in the Hardware tab of the inventory device properties (for manually-created records). |
Operating system |
The operating system running on this device.
Tip: This value may
be blank because:
Editable in the Hardware tab of the inventory device properties (for manually-created records). |
Overridden |
Indicates whether the operator has manually changed one or more properties discovered in inventory, or if the inventory details are unchanged for this inventory device. IT Asset Management generates the value of this field. |
Partial number of processors |
The equivalent number of full-time 'processors' set by the time-sharing controls on the hardware console. These 'processors' are vCPUs, and this corresponds to the maximum number of cores that may be used by the virtual machine. Some virtualization technologies (such as on IBM's AIX operating system) report this setting in inventory. You may override an incorrect inventory value for this field. Populated and (by default) updated on virtual machines by inventory imports, this field in the Hardware tab of the inventory device properties (only for virtual machines) can be overridden with a manually entered value. An overridden value is no longer updated by incoming inventory. |
Pool |
The name given to the pool of resources to which this virtual machine belongs. Populated and (by default) updated by inventory imports. |
Processor type |
The type of processor installed in the inventory device. Populated and (by default) updated by inventory imports, this value can be manually overwritten in the Hardware tab of the inventory device properties (see Hardware Tab). |
Processors |
The total number of processors installed in a physical inventory device, or logical processors assigned to a virtual machine. Populated and (by default) updated by inventory imports, this field in the Hardware tab of the inventory device properties can be overridden with a manually entered value (see Hardware Tab). Overridden values are no longer updated by incoming inventory. |
RAM (GB) |
The size of Random Access Memory (RAM) installed in the inventory device, in gigabytes. For manually-created records, this is editable in the Hardware tab of the inventory device properties. The value is overwritten (permanently) by incoming inventory, and thereafter is read-only. |
Recommended asset link |
Displays a link to an asset that is recommended for this inventory device. If you click the link, IT Asset Management connects this inventory device to the recommended asset. Not editable. |
Role |
The role assigned to the inventory device, such as Development, Test, and Production. Device roles (where permitted by the product use rights on a license) can exempt devices from consuming entitlements on a license to which they are (and remain) attached. For example, some license agreements may grant an exemption for devices used exclusively for testing. For more details, see Allocations and Exemptions. Editable in Device role field in the General tab of the inventory device properties. |
Serial number |
The serial number of the device, attempting to uniquely identify either
the hardware (for a stand-alone device) or the virtualization container (for a
virtual machine), as reported in inventory.
Tip: This displays
Flexera SaaS Manager with a numerical suffix in
the special case where the inventory device is a dummy record created for
linking with imports through your Flexera One SaaS Management connector.
For manually-created inventory device records, this value is editable in the General tab of the inventory device properties. This value is not editable for records created or updated from collected inventory. |
Service pack |
The service pack number or ID reported by the operating system. For manually-created records, this is editable in the Hardware tab of the inventory device properties. The value is overwritten (permanently) by incoming inventory, and thereafter is read-only. |
Sockets |
The total number of mounting sockets for central processing units (CPUs) available in a physical inventory device. For a Virtual machine, this may be the number of virtual sockets assigned to the VM. Editable in the Hardware tab of the inventory device properties. If it is not available from your inventory, or if the value is inaccurate, you can permanently override with a manual value. |
Status |
Indicates the current state of a device. It can have any of the
following values:
Provided that the inventory device has not [yet] been linked to an asset record, this value is editable in the General tab of the inventory device properties (although Awaiting Inventory is no longer available once inventory has been collected for the device, and Archived can never be set manually). |
Threads |
The total number of threads available in a physical inventory device; or the number of logical processors (virtual processors in a virtual machine, or threads assigned to a partition) assigned to an inventory device that is a virtual machine. Populated and (by default) updated by inventory imports, this field in the Hardware tab of the inventory device properties can be overridden with a manually entered value (see Hardware Tab). |
VM name |
The name of the virtual machine that is recognized by the host server. This value is visible in the properties of the VM host, in the Virtual Machines tab, in the VM name column. Editable in the Friendly name field in the VM properties tab of the inventory device properties for the virtual machine. The compliance calculation updates this field with the machine name returned in inventory (matched by serial number). |
VM type |
The type of the virtual machine. Editable in the VM properties tab of the inventory device properties for the virtual machine (for manually-created records). The value may be overwritten by incoming inventory. Applicable only to inventory devices of the type Virtual Machine. |
IT Asset Management (Cloud)