Container Inventory
IT Asset Management (Cloud)
The Container Inventory group, located in the Discovery & Inventory menu, links to the All Containers page, where you can find information about your Docker container host(s), container images, and associated running containers in your network. Application inventory is collected from running containers. After the inventory data is imported into IT Asset Management, matching discovered device records are created automatically.
Note: Visibilities of your Docker and Podman containers is disabled by default, so please
ensure that you first enable them from the Inventory Settings Page page, under
Container Scanning.
Tip: FlexNet Inventory Agent requires a running container instance to gather
software inventory. Best practice is to have FlexNet Inventory Agent locally installed on
the host where containers may be run.
Note: Inventory from Docker or Podman containers does not contribute towards the
number of inventory devices covered by your IT Asset Management license.
IT Asset Management (Cloud)