Managing License Keys

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
IT Asset Management can record all license keys associated with a license.
Tip: Tracking license keys is an administrative convenience that helps you comply with the requirements of your license. However, it does not have any effect on license consumption calculations. If your goal is to bind a particular installation or user to exactly this license, use individual allocations, available on the Consumption tab.
Publishers may issue license keys to provide authorization:
  • For a single installation
  • For a single purchase (covering all the installations authorized by that purchase)
  • For a single application (covering multiple installations of that application)
  • For a single license (covering all installations authorized under that license).
You choose the kind of authorization as a License rule on the Identification tab of the same license properties. This choice controls where and how you may record the license key for an individual installation (or user, depending on license type).
Remember: If you change the license key rule from one active setting (other than No keys) to another, the existing license key values are no longer relevant, and are automatically removed. You can then create the new license keys relevant to your new model, and assign them as required.

Because of the variety of ways that publishers record and track license keys, they are not collected as part of software inventory. You may enter keys directly in the license properties, or import a file of license keys. These options are described in the following topics.

The license key rule allow you to manage a license key:

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
