Purchases Tab

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

The Purchases tab lists the purchases recorded in purchase order lines raised for this license. These are generally purchases of entitlements, or the right to use the licensed software. Together, these purchases establish how many copies of the software you are entitled to install or use in your enterprise. These entitlements may be perpetual (not time limited), or they may be a subscription that needs regular payments to renew the right to use. Purchases may also provide maintenance (such as Microsoft Software Assurance) that covers the purchased entitlements on this license.

You may link purchases to licenses manually, or they can be linked automatically as you import purchase details (for more details, see Unprocessed Purchases).
Tip: It’s valuable to link the purchase to the software licenses obtained, as this allows for later automation of license upgrades, as well as automatic management of expiring subscription licenses or maintenance. Using the purchase processing wizard is preferable because of its increased automation; and even where you use the wizard to prepare things manually, you have additional facilities there such as the ability to create a suitable license when one is not already available.

Available actions

You can:
  • Set the price used for under- and over-use impact calculations — see Override unit price below.
  • Link more purchase records to this license — use the search field (with associated fly-down) to find records of purchases that you may wish to link manually to this license (see To Use a Fly-Down).
  • Break the link between this license and a purchase — select a purchase from the list of linked Purchases, and click Remove (this does not, of course, delete the purchase record, but just removes the link between the records).
  • Hide historical purchases — see Hide old purchases below.
  • Split a purchase across multiple licenses — you can directly edit the values in the License entitlements or Maintenance columns (see the descriptions of these fields in the list below, but not the "Current..." ones).
  • Disable or enable a purchase — see the discussion under Entitlement Status in the table below.
  • Find out more about a purchase — quickly navigate to the purchase properties by any of these actions on the chosen row in the list of linked Purchases:
    • Open the purchase in a separate tab by Ctrl+clicking the Description value
    • Double-click the row representing the purchase
    • Select the check box at the left of the row, and click Open.
  • Reconfigure the list — all the usual search, filter, grouping, and column chooser controls are available (see Using Lists in IT Asset Management).

Purchases here can change the license

Linking a purchase to a license can alter the license in ways other than simply adding license entitlements. For example:
  • If a purchase provide maintenance coverage for a license, it can alter the product use rights available on the license. Typically, current maintenance provides rights like upgrade and downgrade rights, and perhaps others.
  • If you attach a purchase with a Purchase type set to Software subscription, it may change the Duration property of the license to Subscription. As well, if the Expiry date on the purchase is further into the future than any Expiry date currently set on the license, the purchase updates the license with its later date to reflect the renewal of the subscription.

Purchases here may have no effect on the license

Licenses imported from Flexera One SaaS Management are a special case (these show View license in SaaS Manager in the header area of the license properties, visible above any of its tabs; and are generally SaaS User licenses, or may be Named User licenses covering Microsoft Office 365).

While you may link purchases to the Purchases tab of the license just as for any other license type, in this special case of imported licenses, linked purchases on this tab are for information only, and do not affect the nightly license consumption calculations in any way. Instead, the purchased entitlements for licenses are imported from Flexera One SaaS Management, and saved in the Compliance tab of the license properties. There, the Entitlement limits control becomes read-only, and displays either of two values:
  • The Entitlement limits control displays Unlimited if you have unlimited entitlements recorded in Flexera One SaaS Management (and in this case, the Extra entitlements field is empty)
  • The Entitlement limits control displays As purchased when a set number of entitlements are recorded in Flexera One SaaS Management, with the imported number of entitlements displayed in the Extra entitlements field (which is also made read-only).
If you do choose to link purchase records to this Purchases tab for these imported license, the links are unchanged (preserved) as these special licenses are updated with each nightly import. However, keep in mind that for imported licenses, actual entitlements are recorded in, and must be updated in, Flexera One SaaS Management, with the entitlements that are displayed within IT Asset Management being updated after each nightly import.

Gap in maintenance coverage

Assuming that the license has any maintenance purchases linked to it, the license displays an alert that there is a gap in maintenance coverage whenever there is any period between maintenance renewals where any of the entitlements on the license are not covered by maintenance. On this tab of the license properties, the alert appears on the purchase which ends the gap. To identify the gap, use the Effective date and Expiry date values, in conjunction with the Current maintenance quantities compared with the number of entitlements on the license.
Tip: Purchase date doesn't matter. Only the effective and expiry dates are relevant.
Both of these example scenarios trigger the alert:
  • A license with 10 entitlements has two purchases for maintenance quantity of 10 (so that all entitlements are covered), with the Expiry date of the first purchase showing March 3rd, and the Effective date of the second purchase showing March 10th. The gap alert appears because of the six days when there was no maintenance coverage.
  • A license with 10 entitlements has three purchases for maintenance, all with sequential dates (such as expiry on the 3rd and the next effective date on the 4th). The first and third purchase are for maintenance coverage for 10 entitlements, but the middle one is only a renewal for 6. There is therefore a gap where 4 of the license entitlements do not have coverage.
Tip: The gap alerts continue to be displayed even after all relevant maintenance purchases have expired (meaning that today is later than their Expiry date values). This is because many vendors require continuous maintenance for the preservation of product use rights (such as the upgrade right). Therefore even a historical gap, one in the past before you finally allowed the maintenance to expire, can create problems in an audit. It is best practice to ensure gap-free coverage on all maintenance purchases, historical and current.

Keep in mind that purchases can contribute to maintenance coverage without being the Software maintenance purchase type. Check the purchase properties General tab, and in the Maintenance section, review the Purchase includes support, maintenance, or other service agreement for the following period check box.

For more information, see the Allow maintenance gap property described below.

Expired maintenance alerts

If a license ever included maintenance coverage (for example, the original purchase SKU included one year's maintenance in the purchase price), but the maintenance is now completely expired (that is, every maintenance-related purchase linked to the license has an Expiry date earlier than today), the license displays an alert, typically saying All license entitlements must be covered by current maintenance. Please remove the excess or cover the shortfall.

You may be planning to renew maintenance for only some of the license entitlements, in which case start from the License and Maintenance Expiry page, filtering for Overdue. However, when you plan not to renew maintenance on one or more licenses, you can immediately clear all these alerts using the Planned non-renewal check box on the Compliance tab of the license properties.
Tip: This control works with multi-selected licenses. You can start from one of the license listings, filter for the relevant alert, select all the affected licenses (of the same type) for which you do not intend maintenance renewal, click Open to show the properties common to all the selected licenses, and select the Planned non-renewal check box.
For more information, see Planned Non-Renewal.

Override unit price

The unit price for a single entitlement under this license.

This is used to calculate the monetary values of under-purchasing or over-spending on licenses shown in the Licenses Summary, Product Summary, and Publisher Summary pages.
  • When this field is left blank, calculations use the most recently available unit price from the linked purchases.
  • When you enter a value here, it overrides the unit price in all linked purchases. All values for this license are based, then, on the Override unit price.
Tip: For details about choosing the currency and exchange rate for data entry, see Currency Settings and related topics.

Hide old purchases

Purchases of maintenance, or of time-limited license entitlements (such as those for subscription licenses), include an Effective date and an Expiry date. Outside these dates, the purchase has no effect on the license, and the Current column for such a purchase displays No. Over time, you may accumulate a number of historical purchases that are no longer current, which can clutter this listing of purchases related to the license.
You can use the Show only current purchases check box (above the list) to simplify the listing:
  • Select Show only current purchases (checked) to hide all purchases for which the Current column displays No. Purchases that remain visible are affecting this license as of today's date. The effect on the license may be through entitlements (possibly including perpetual entitlements) or through maintenance.
  • Clear Show only current purchases to display all purchases, including those for future dates as well as historical (expired) purchases.

Available columns

In the search list and the list of linked purchases, the following columns (listed here alphabetically) are available to help identify the purchase. Some are displayed by default, and others are available in the column choosers for the respective lists.
Tip: The lists offer several closely-related fields of quantities, particularly when dealing with license entitlements:
  • Purchased is the total quantity on the original purchase, copied from its Effective quantity property.
  • If this purchase is split across several licenses, the quantity out of Purchased that comes to this particular license is shown:
    • In License entitlements for purchases that affect entitlements. (If the Entitlement status is Disabled, then License entitlements is forced to zero, which flows through the remaining relationships.)
    • In the Maintenance column, for purchases of maintenance.
    For a mixed purchase of software with maintenance, the quantity is shown in both columns; but for a purchase of only one kind, the other column is left blank (so that, for example, if you have a purchase type of Software maintenance, the License entitlements column is blank; and vice versa).
  • Finally, if the purchase provides maintenance or subscription licenses, and the purchase is current (that is, today's date falls between its Effective date and its Expiry date inclusive), then its License entitlements value is copied into Current license entitlements, and its Maintenance value into Current maintenance. In other words, if the purchase has expired, the "Current..." fields show zero. Note that it is the "Current..." value that is used for calculating compliance. The list of purchases can be filtered with the Show only current purchases check box to exclude purchases that, as of today, do not contribute to maintenance or license entitlements (typically for subscription licenses) on this license.
Column Notes

If this purchase was processed automatically, this is the date of processing. If the link was created manually through property sheet adjustments, this is the date that the purchase was linked to this license.

Allow maintenance gap
Most licenses that provide additional product use rights subject to a maintenance agreement of some kind require that the maintenance is continuous (that is, renewed at or before expiry of each maintenance term). For this reason, if a purchase appears to resume maintenance after a gap of more than a day where there was no relevant maintenance coverage, an alert appears on the license properties, and specifically on the new purchase that resumes maintenance after the gap. In the listing on the Purchases tab, the hover text on the alert is This purchase appears to cause a gap in maintenance coverage. Check contracts for possible penalties. To process this alert:
  • Check that the purchase dates have been entered correctly, both for the Expiry date of the previous purchase, and the Effective date of the renewal purchase.
  • If these are correct, check whether there should be another, currently missing, purchase record that provides maintenance to cover the gap, and if so, link it to the license.
  • In special circumstances, you can over-ride the alert.
Keep in mind that when the preceding maintenance purchase expired, if you had selected Planned non-renewal (on the Compliance tab) at that time, the product use rights were adjusted to account for the loss of product use rights. After you link a new purchase for maintenance covering the current date, the product use rights are restored at the next compliance calculation.
Note: Consumption calculations are always 'as at' the current date, and the presence of a previous gap (whether acceptable or not) doesn't change the record of product use rights calculated whenever there is an applicable maintenance purchase. Therefore, if you know that you have lost product use rights because of a gap in maintenance coverage, you may wish to manually adjust the settings on the Use rights & rules tab.
If you have negotiated a special concession with the software publisher, so that the gap in maintenance coverage is acceptable:
  1. Use the column chooser to display the Allow maintenance gap column in the list of linked purchases (on the Purchases tab of the license properties). For details about the column chooser, see Managing Columns in a Table.
  2. Select the check box for the purchase that restores maintenance coverage (the one currently showing the alert).
  3. Switch to the Identification tab, and enter an explanation in the Notes panel to justify this action in the event of a future audit. (Alternatively, if you have documentary evidence, you may wish to link this on the Documents tab.)
  4. Click Save to store your changes.
    Tip: A history record is also created for the unusual change to the Allow maintenance gap setting.
When you save this change, all related alerts are cleared.

The check box is displayed only for those purchases which restore maintenance coverage after a time gap where there has been no record of coverage for this license.

Authorized by

The person who authorized this purchase.

Editable in the Ownership tab of the purchase properties.

Contract description

The name (or brief description) of the contract.

This is the contract linked directly to the purchase. (Linking of contracts to the license is separate.)
Contract no.

The identifying code for the contract.

Again, this is displayed from the purchase properties, showing the one contract that is directly linked to the purchase.
Corporate unit, Cost center, or Location

The name of the related enterprise group.

Each named group has been linked directly with the purchase.
Tip: Linking a purchase (on its own) to enterprise groups does not restrict the consumption of the purchased entitlements. To restrict consumption of a license to the enterprise groups who purchased the entitlements, you must create separate scoped licenses for each set of scoping restrictions, and link the scoped purchases to licenses that have the same scope settings. It is the license, rather than the purchase, that controls consumption.
This column displays Yes when the purchase can have some effect on the license today (at the moment the listing was refreshed).
  • If the license is a perpetual license and the purchase type is Software or Not set, the Current column displays Yes because the purchase is able to contribute license entitlements.
  • Where the purchase provides only maintenance, or the purchase type is Software subscription, the Current column displays Yes when today's date falls between the relevant Effective date and Expiry date on the purchase properties. These may be the dates in the Maintenance section of the General tab of the license properties; or, if the Purchase type is Software subscription, it is the subscription dates shown in the Purchase details section of the General tab of the purchase properties.
  • If the purchase was for perpetual license entitlements plus time-limited maintenance, the Current column displays Yes because the license entitlements are always applicable.
    Tip: To find out whether the maintenance is current, display the Current maintenance column on the Purchases tab of the license properties to see the amount that remains current.
Note: The value of Current takes into account the license type, purchase type, and time-related settings. However, it does not take into account the Entitlement status on the Purchases tab of the license properties. In other words, a purchase may be current but disabled, in which case it has no effect on license consumption calculations.
Current license entitlements
For non-perpetual licenses (those with a Duration of either Time limited or Subscription), a linked subscription purchase provides current license entitlements when it has all of:
  • A Purchase type of Software subscription
  • An Effective date of today or earlier
  • An Expiry date of today or later.
    Tip: Strictly speaking, checking of the Purchase type is not enforced for calculations of entitlements. As a result, it is also possible for a purchase with Purchase type of either Not set or Software to contribute perpetual entitlements to a non-perpetual license (although mixing purchase types is not generally best practice). If you mix purchase types in this way, the result may be perpetual entitlements attached to an expired license. (A license is expired when it has no linked subscription purchases that meet the conditions described above, and the Expiry date on the Identification tab of the license properties has passed.) The behavior for expired licenses varies according to the license type:
    • In the case of Oracle licenses, an expired license that shows any consumption is automatically displayed as at risk (even if a purchase of perpetual entitlements has been linked)
    • For all other license types, the standard comparison of consumption with linked entitlements applies as usual, whether the license has expired or not.
    For this reason, it is best practice to keep the purchase types aligned with the license duration, since a subscription license with all subscription purchases behaves as you expect; but a license with mixed purchase types behaves in the mixed ways you have configured.
The Current license entitlements field also takes into account:
  • Any splits of purchased entitlements across multiple licenses, so that Current license entitlements only shows those entitlements contributing to this current license.
  • The Entitlement status — If this is Disabled, then the Current license entitlements field shows zero.

This is a calculated value, and not editable.

Current maintenance

The total number of license entitlements currently covered by maintenance (or support, or Software Assurance), as shown in maintenance-related purchases linked to the license and taking account of their effective date ranges. (Keep in mind that the total purchases of maintenance may be split across licenses.)

To be included in this total, a maintenance purchase:
  • Must not be disabled (old purchases from Microsoft that include Software Assurance are automatically disabled when you import a later Microsoft License Statement [MLS])
  • Either must be current, or must provide unlimited maintenance:
    • A purchase of current maintenance means that today's date falls on or between the Effective date and the Expiry date in the Maintenance section of the General tab of the purchase properties
    • A purchase of unlimited maintenance must have nothing in the Expiry date in the same Maintenance section.
If these conditions change, you may expect the total maintenance figure to vary accordingly.
Maintenance can be included in purchases of the following types linked to the license:
  • Not set
  • Software
  • Software baseline
  • Software maintenance
  • Software subscription
  • Software upgrade.

Details of the item purchased.

Editable in the Description field in General tab of the purchase properties (in the Purchase details group).

Effective date
The first date that the purchase can contribute to this license. If the Purchase type is Software subscription, the license is effective/renewed from that date (for the purchased number of entitlements). If the purchase contributes maintenance coverage, it is the first date that the coverage applies.
Tip: If the Entitlement status is Disabled, neither kind of contribution is permitted (look instead for rights or maintenance provided in a separate purchase record created by an import of a Microsoft License Statement).

Editable in the General tab of the purchase properties, when the purchase is for a Software subscription.

Entitlement status

The entitlement status determines whether this purchase contributes towards the entitlement count (or maintenance coverage, as applicable) of the linked license. The setting may be automatically adjusted when a Microsoft License Statement is imported, or set manually. (For purchases that have been split across multiple licenses, each linked license is considered independently, so that entitlements from a single purchase may be disabled for one license and enabled for another.) For more information, see Purchase Order Upload and Uploading Purchases from Microsoft License Statement.

To set the Entitlement status, do either of the following:
  • Select one or more purchases from the list, click Change entitlement status above the list, and select the preferred value.
  • In the row for the appropriate purchase, open the drop-down list in the Entitlement status column and select the preferred value.
This property can have any of the following values:
  • Enabled (default): The purchase contributes to the entitlements for this license.
  • Disabled — The purchase does not contribute to entitlements for this license. For Microsoft licenses, this status is automatically assigned when the purchase date is on or earlier than the date of the last uploaded baseline position that includes a purchase for the same product (that is, the purchase is already included in the MLS baseline, and should not be double counted). A purchase that was previously Enabled is changed to Disabled if a later MLS document is imported (you may override this with the next setting).
    Tip: When entitlements are disabled, the purchase cannot contribute to maintenance coverage either.
  • Always enabled — The purchase is always enabled. This is valuable for purchases of Microsoft license entitlements that might be expected to be included in an MLS import, but in fact are not. Purchases with this status always contribute to the entitlements on a linked license. This value is not updated for any future MLS import.
  • Not contributing — The purchase does not contribute to the total entitlements available for this license. This value is displayed when the entitlements for this license are imported through a connector, such as: In these cases, your license entitlements are recorded in the external system, and the number is imported and displayed in IT Asset Management for your convenience. Linking another purchase to this license does not change the imported entitlement count, and the link is for information only. Normally this status value is used only for SaaS User licenses, or (with Microsoft Office 365) for Named User licenses.
Expiry date
The last date that the purchase can contribute to this license. If the Purchase type is Software subscription, the purchased number of entitlements on this license expire, and cannot be used after that date. If the purchase contributes maintenance coverage, it is the last date that the coverage in this purchase applies. In the normal course of business where you want to continue using the software (or have continuous maintenance coverage), you should look for a different purchase with an Effective date for the day after the Expiry date of this purchase.
Tip: If the Entitlement status is Disabled, neither kind of contribution is permitted (look instead for entitlements or maintenance provided in a separate purchase record created by an import of a Microsoft License Statement).

If this purchase has a Purchase type of Software subscription, and this Expiry date is further into the future than any Expiry date currently set on other linked purchases or on the license itself, the purchase updates the license with its later date to reflect the renewal of the subscription. This action occurs only when the license and the purchase are first linked (if you later choose to manually change the date in either set of properties, the synchronization is not enforced).

Editable in the General tab of the purchase properties.

Invoice date

The date recorded on the invoice related to this purchase.

Editable in the Financial tab of the purchase properties.

Invoice number

Identifies the invoice, payment of which completed this purchase.

Editable in the Financial tab of the purchase properties.


The number of this purchase within its related purchase order.

Not editable (reflects the order of data entry for purchases given the same purchase order number).

Item sales tax (currency)

The sales tax (if any) applicable to this purchase.

Editable in the Financial tab of the purchase properties.

Item subtotal (currency)

The value of this purchase excluding tax, shipping, and handling, and displayed in the currency shown in the column header.

Automatically calculated from the purchased quantity and unit price values, set in the purchase properties.

License entitlements
The number of license entitlements that this purchase contributes to the current license. The value may be:
  • The same as the Effective quantity on the General tab of the purchase properties, in the case where all entitlements from this purchase are assigned to this one license.
    Tip: If the number exceeds the Effective quantity, it is an error on the purchase record, marked with an alert on the purchase properties, and should be remedied there.
  • A quantity between 1 and the Effective quantity on the purchase, where the entitlements purchased have been split between multiple licenses.
  • Zero when the purchase has an Entitlement status of Disabled (such as after the import of an MLS that superseded the effects of this purchase). In this case, the previously assigned quantity, when the entitlements were enabled, is shown in brackets. This is the value that will be restored if the Entitlement status is changed to another value.
  • Zero when a purchase has an Entitlement status of Not contributing. It happens when you add a purchase for Microsoft Office 365 to an existing license of Microsoft Office 365. In this case, the entitlements are maintained by Microsoft Office 365 Online Service, and directly imported into IT Asset Management through the Office 365 connector (see Creating Connections using the Microsoft Office 365 (Deprecated) Connector).
  • Negative when the Purchase type is Software upgrade and the license in this row is the original source license from which entitlements were removed and transferred to a new upgraded license. The negative values shows how many entitlements were transferred away by this particular purchase.
  • Blank when the purchase does not convey any license entitlements, such as for maintenance-only purchases.
To split the entitlements from a single purchase across multiple licenses, using this Purchases tab of the license properties:
  1. For the purchase you wish to split across licenses, select the value shown in the License entitlements column.
  2. Type a new value. Take care not to enter a figure greater than shown in the Purchased column for the current purchase record.
  3. Click Save to store your changes in the database.
Tip: You can also split entitlements across licenses using the Licenses tab of the purchase properties. In that tab, you can also identify which other licenses have received entitlements through this purchase.

Only applicable for purchase types that change the entitlements on a license. Only the Software, Software subscription, Software baseline, and Not set purchase types can increase the license quantity (number of entitlements on a license). Software upgrade migrates entitlements from the previous license to the upgraded one.

For maintenance-only purchases, this value is not editable.


The total amount of maintenance ever purchased for this license, as shown in all maintenance-related purchases linked to the license. This figure take no account of effective dates, and may not reflect your current maintenance coverage (for which see Current maintenance).

To split maintenance from a single Software maintenance purchase across multiple licenses, using this Purchases tab of the license properties:
  1. For the purchase of Software maintenance you wish to split across licenses, select the current value in the Maintenance column. (For Software with maintenance, you may edit the value in the License entitlements column.)
  2. Type a new value. You cannot enter a figure greater than shown in the Purchased column for the current purchase record (it resets to that maximum once you leave the field).
  3. Click Save to store your changes in the database.
  4. To attach the surplus maintenance to another license, you can:
    • Use the Licenses tab of the purchase properties. In that tab, you can also see which other licenses have received maintenance through this purchase.
    • Use the purchase processing wizard from the Unprocessed Purchases page, where the surplus maintenance is displayed after you save this change to the license properties.
Tip: You may prefer a simpler way to split maintenance across licenses, using the Move maintenance wizard from the All Licenses page or the License and Maintenance Expiry page.
Maintenance can be included in purchases of the following types linked to the license:
  • Not set
  • Software
  • Software baseline
  • Software maintenance
  • Software subscription
  • Software upgrade.

Where a purchase does not contribute any maintenance coverage to this license, this field is blank.

Number of assets The count of assets linked to this purchase on the Assets tab of its properties.
Number of licenses The count of licenses linked to this purchase on the Licenses tab of its properties. Useful here to check whether this purchase is already linked to other licenses.
Part no./SKU

The vendor's code that identifies the purchased item (the Stock Keeping Unit).

This value is added as Part no./SKU in the General tab of the purchase properties.

Processed by

The person who handled data entry for this purchase.

Editable in the Ownership tab of the purchase properties.

Product points

The points Microsoft assigns to this purchase for tracking discounts under your Microsoft Select Agreement.

Editable in the General tab of the purchase properties.

Product pool

The grouping of Microsoft products under your Microsoft Select agreement, used for calculating your appropriate discounts on license purchases.

Editable in the General tab of the purchase properties.


The manufacturer of the software that licenses its use to you.

Editable in the General tab of the purchase properties.

Purchase date

The date that goods were ordered.

The Purchase date is recorded when the first purchase from the same purchase order is created. Thereafter it is accessible through the General tab of the purchase properties.

Purchase order no.

The identifying code of the purchase order authorizing the purchase.

Editable in the Purchase order no. field in the General tab of the purchase properties.

Purchase quantity
Number of units of a product in this purchase.
Note: This quantity is not the license quantity for this purchase. It is a unit quantity which may apply to a purchase where a group or pack of entitlements is sold (for example, 10 units of a pack of 5 license entitlements), or to non-license purchases such as maintenance.

The Purchase quantity value is added on the General tab of the purchase properties.

Purchase type
The nature of this purchase, such as software, hardware, maintenance and so on. Determines whether automated processing of the purchase can occur, and whether the purchase can contribute to license entitlements.
Tip: At purchase processing time, when the purchase is linked to a license, the purchase type from a recognized SKU is given priority over this Purchase type set in the purchase properties. It is best practice to keep these two values aligned.

If you link a purchase with Purchase type of Software maintenance to a license, the license Duration is automatically set to Subscription (if it was not already).

The Purchase type value is selected on the General tab on the purchase properties.


Total number of units acquired with this purchase. Depending on purchase type, these 'units' may be license entitlements, or maintenance coverage for this number of license entitlements.

This value is shown as Effective quantity in the General tab of the purchase properties.

Quantity per unit

The multiplier for the number of individual items included in each purchased unit (relevant for purchases of groups or packs).

The Quantity per unit value is added on the General tab on the purchase properties.

Request date

The date of a purchase requisition or similar request initiating this purchase.

Editable in the Ownership tab of the purchase properties.

Request number

The identifying code for the request that triggered this purchase.

Editable in the Ownership tab of the purchase properties.


The person who asked for the item purchased.

Editable in the Ownership tab of the purchase properties.

Shipping and handling (currency)

The shipping and handling costs attributed to this purchase.

The Shipping and handling field is editable in the Financial tab of the purchase properties (under Cost Details).

Shipping date

The date of dispatch from the vendor.

Editable in the Financial tab of the purchase properties.

Shipping location

The destination office receiving the shipment of this purchase.

Editable in the Financial tab of the purchase properties.

Shows the current progress of the purchase through the purchasing process. Values may be:
  • Cancelled
  • Completed
  • New
  • Pending
Tip: These values have no effect on license compliance calculations. If a purchase conveys license entitlements and is linked to a license, the entitlements are counted regardless of this status value. If you intend to cancel a purchase so that it no longer contributes to your license entitlements, be sure to disconnect the purchase from any licenses.

The Status value is selected on the General tab of the purchase properties.

Total price (currency)

The overall cost of this purchase, including tax and shipping.

Read-only calculated value in the Financial tab of the purchase properties.

Unit price (currency)

The cost of an individual item in this purchase (exclusive of taxes and shipping).

Editable in the Financial tab of the purchase properties.


The reseller who sold this product.

The Vendor value is editable in the General tab of the purchase properties.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
