License Summary
The Enterprise-wide views group) displays the license compliance summary for each license that exists in IT Asset Management, typically filtered for a particular publisher and perhaps product. The overall compliance position for each license is based on the last license reconciliation, and represented by a colored card. There is an individual card for each license, without consolidation (even if licenses overlap for versions of the same product).
page (in theThe card view of this page uses the following color coding:
Color | Meaning |
Light gray | The license has no status yet. You should revisit this page after completion of the overnight reconciliation job. You can also trigger a manual reconciliation through from the Reconcile page. See Reconcile. |
Dark gray | The license is compliant. |
Blue | The license is currently over-purchased by more than five percent of the installation count. |
Orange | The license is incomplete in some way, or may have associated alerts about problems that need attention. |
Red | The license is over-utilized, with recorded consumption exceeding the known entitlements. |
Column | Details |
Allocated |
The number of license entitlements allocated to computers or end-users. Those with allocations have top priority consuming from this license, and cannot consume from any other. Allocations may also be set (per license) to always count as consumption (regardless of inventory). For each inventory device, you can also modify the behavior of allocations. Not available for SAP Named User licenses. |
At risk |
Indicates the number of cases where compliance obligations associated with this license have not been met. Warning: It represents a legal exposure that might be
addressed, in some cases, at the next contract/true-up date. Alternatively, you
might want to consider uninstalling the software or buying more licenses
depending on the purchase use rights of this license.
Available |
Displays the result of Entitlements from purchases plus Extra entitlements minus Consumed fields shown in license properties. The result is positive when you have surplus entitlements (according to the last license consumption calculation), and negative when you are under-purchased. For points-based licenses (such as Core Points or Processor Points licenses), the value is the number of points, rather than entitlements. This data is read-only. |
Compliance status |
Whether or not the current
use of software under this license complies with the
license terms and conditions. Values may be:
Consumed |
The number of license entitlements
(or points) consumed across the enterprise.
Tip: Access rights on an operator's role may restrict the
values that the operator is entitled to see. An
unrestricted view provides the total consumption that
should be balanced by purchases.
Note: Special
provisions apply to these license types:
Corporate unit, Cost center, or Location |
The name of the related enterprise group. Selectable on the Ownership tab of the license properties. |
Duration |
The time-based nature of the license, whether it is a Perpetual, Subscription, or Time limited license. Editable in the Identification tab of the license properties. |
Edition |
The edition property of the license, which may or may not be the same as the edition of the licensed application. Editable in the Identification tab of the license properties. |
Expiry date |
For subscription (or other time-limited) licenses, this is the date when the current license expires. You should aim to renew the subscription before this date. |
Has maintenance |
Displays No when there is no current maintenance recorded for this license; or Yes when there is at least one purchase of maintenance for which today falls between the Effective date and the Expiry date (inclusive) on the purchase. When this is Yes, the Maintenance field shows the corresponding number of entitlements that are currently covered by maintenance. |
Incomplete | Displays Yes if the license record has not been finalized. Incomplete license records might be missing information about the linked purchase, publisher, or similar information. They are not included in the license reconciliation work flow. If filled out completely, these licenses may help to recoup an under-purchased quantity. |
License type |
The kind of license, which determines what properties are available for the license, and how compliance is calculated for the license. For details of an individual license type, please see the appropriate entry in the glossary. Editable in the License type field in the Identification tab of the license properties. |
License name |
The license name may be:
The Name value is editable in the Identification tab of the license properties. |
Licensed |
Indicates the number of entitlements recorded for this license. Entitlements from purchases is displayed on the Compliance tab of the license properties. It is not editable, but is the current sum of license quantities assigned from purchases linked to this license. (Excludes purchases that are disabled or, for software subscriptions, not current.) |
Maintenance |
The total number of license entitlements currently covered by maintenance (or support, or Software Assurance), as shown in maintenance-related purchases linked to the license and taking account of their effective date ranges. (Keep in mind that the total purchases of maintenance may be split across licenses.) The total is not directly
editable in license properties. The value is summed from
maintenance purchases linked to the license, and is
displayed in the Compliance
tab as Maintenance from purchases. To
increase the total coverage, link additional current
maintenance purchase records to the license.
Tip: Maintenance purchases can also be split across multiple
licenses, for example by editing the
Maintenance column in the
Purchases tab of the license properties.
Maintenance can be included
in purchases of the following types linked to the
Manager |
The delegate who has responsibility for the license. Editable in the Ownership tab of the license properties. |
Override unit price (currency) |
The unit price for a single entitlement under this license. This value has been set to override prices on all related purchase records. This may be set to the current single purchase price. Editable in the Purchases tab of the license properties. |
Product (primary) |
The basic name of the application, excluding the publisher and references to versions or editions. This field displays the value Multiple products for multi-product licenses that have multiple primary products. See Multi-Product License. Product values are not directly editable in the license properties, but are taken from the latest version of the application linked to the license (visible in the Identification section of the General tab of the application properties). In license properties the product is listed in the Applications tab. For multi-product licenses, linked products are listed in the Use rights & rules tab. |
Publisher name |
The name of the publisher of this software, responsible for its development and distribution. For application records that you create manually, Publisher is editable in the General tab of the application properties. For applications supplied through the Application Recognition Library, the Publisher field is not editable. |
Serial number |
Any serial number associated with this license. Editable in the Identification tab of the license properties. |
Subject to true-up |
A value of Yes means this license cannot be displayed as "at risk", and that at the end of the true-up period, you must make purchases to retroactively cover any over-consumption. Most licenses display No. Editable in the Subject to
true-up field in the
Identification tab of the license properties.
Note: For SaaS User
licenses covering Salesforce, this field should show a value of
Yes. However, if the Subject to
true-up field in the Identification
tab of the license properties is manually deselected for a Salesforce license, this field
will temporarily display a value of No until the next time
IT Asset Management recalculates a license position, after which this field reverts
to Yes.
Under purchased (currency) |
The overall cost of all license entitlements that must be bought to meet license requirements for the corresponding product. Editable in the Purchases tab of the license properties. |
Used |
The number of installations of
the licensed applications actively being used. Shows a zero
Version |
The version assigned to the license. Depending on settings, this may or may not reflect the version of the first-linked application. The license Version is editable in the Identification tab of the license properties. |
When you click a license card (or, in list view, the license name) on this page, IT Asset Management displays the License Properties page for the selected license. For example, if you click an IBM DB2 card, the license properties of IBM DB2 license product are displayed. For more information, see License Properties.
IT Asset Management (Cloud)