IBM Unlicensed Installations Report

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

The IBM Unlicensed Installations report is an audit report that displays the persisting unlicensed installations of the licensable IBM products, for a given reporting period.

This report covers all the commercial software products which have IBM as the publisher.

This report does not include installed applications that have the status set as Ignored.

Generating the report

  1. Go to the IBM Unlicensed Installations page (Reporting > IBM Reports > IBM Unlicensed Installations).
  2. If necessary, use the two date pickers labeled Reporting period (in the top left corner) to adjust the reporting period. The default values are based on the current reporting period, set in the IBM sub-capacity calculation settings section on the Licensing tab of the IT Asset Management Settings General page (Administration > IT Asset Management Settings > General) as the calculation period, and either set manually there, or automatically rolled over on the settings you declared there.
  3. Click Run report.

Reading the report

The following columns are available. By default, all available columns are displayed in the report (although for special purposes, you may move any columns that you do not want included into the column chooser).

Column name Description
Name The name of the application.
Product The product name of the application.
Version The release number or release identifier of the application.
Edition The edition of the application, as specified by the publisher.
Classification The type of the software product; for example, freeware, commercial, component, and so on.
Licensed Indicates whether the application is licensable or not. It can have either of the following values:
  • Yes: The application is a commercial software product that has IBM as the publisher.
  • No: The application does not have IBM as the publisher.
Installed The count of total installations of the application, calculated from evidence matched in the last imported inventory.
  • This count excludes any installations on the inventory devices for which the Status has been set to Ignored or the devices linked to retired or disposed assets.
  • This count only covers the inventory devices that the operator is authorized to see.
Unlicensed The count of the unlicensed installations of the application, calculated from evidence matched in the last imported inventory.
  • This count excludes any installations on the inventory devices for which the Status has been set to Ignored or the devices linked to retired or disposed assets.
  • This count only covers the inventory devices that the operator is authorized to see.

Downloading the archive of IBM license consumption reports

You can download the reports of IBM Cloud Pak license consumption, IBM PVU license consumption, IBM VPC license consumption, IBM MVS license consumption, IBM RU license consumption and the unlicensed installations as a digitally-signed package, which can be used as a trusted source for audit. The data contained in the package can be validated for authenticity. To download the package, select the reporting period, and click the Download the IBM audit report link. The downloaded package contains the following data :
  • IBM Cloud Pak license consumption report
  • IBM PVU license consumption report
  • IBM VPC license consumption report
  • IBM MVS license consumption report
  • IBM RU license consumption report
  • IBM Unlicensed Installations report
  • Report summary
    Note: The report summary contains the generation date, user account that generated the report, period of the report, and statistics for the out-of-date inventory devices.
  • Checksums
  • Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) file
  • RSA signature file

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
