Inventory Errors on All Discovered Devices Report

IT Asset Management 2024 R2.2 (Cloud)

The Inventory Errors on All Discovered Devices report lists all inventory failures for discovered devices within a selected period. It is typically used by hardware asset managers or other people responsible for managing and maintaining the roll-out of IT Asset Management.

Generating the report

  1. Go the the Inventory Errors on All Discovered Devices report (Reporting > Inventory Reports > Inventory Errors on All Discovered Devices).
  2. In the top left corner is a standard filter labeled Failure time. From the adjacent drop-down list, select your preferred reporting period. Select All to include all inventory failures, or choose to include failures which occurred during the last 7, 14, 30, or 90 days, all measured from today.
    Tip: Limit the reporting period to view the most relevant information and ensure you are not generating a report that includes old problems that have most likely been resolved.
  3. Click Run report.

Reading the report

The following columns (listed alphabetically) are available in this list. By default, some are available through the column chooser.

Column name Description
Action step The step of this action which resulted in this inventory error.
Action type The type of action which resulted in this inventory error.

The name of an inventory beacon involved in this task. One or more inventory beacons may be involved in a task.

Editable in the General tab of the inventory beacon properties.

The name of the discovered computing device.
Tip: For devices created automatically by the Amazon connector to represent database installations in Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), this value is the database identifier/name you created when setting up the Oracle Database installation. This value is also visible as the first part of the DNS full name.

Editable in the General tab of the discovered device properties.

DNS full name

The fully qualified name of the discovered computing asset in the Domain Name System.

Editable in the General tab in the discovered device properties.

Domain name
The name of the domain to which the computing device belongs.
Tip: Records fabricated for special purposes display special values:
  • A dummy device record created for imports through your connector to Flexera One SaaS Management displays
  • A record representing an Oracle Database running in Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) shows the full DNS alias (excluding the actual machine name), such as

Editable in the General tab of the discovered device properties.

Failure time The date and time when this inventory error occurred on this discovered device.
IP address
The IPv4 address of the discovered device. For discovered devices with multiple IP addresses (for example, those with multiple network cards), only the first validly-formed IP address displays. The IP address may be blank for reasons like these:
  • The first (or only) IP address returned was in the IPv6 address family (and these addresses are not included)
  • The device was discovered by NetBIOS queries, or through a TNSNames.ora file, that provided only a device name, and the DNS look-up did not return an IPv4 address for this device.

Editable in the General tab of the discovered device properties.

Last discovered date

The date and time when this device was last discovered by the discovery process.

A blank value for this field indicates that the device was discovered by a third-party inventory collection tool, and not by discovery and inventory rules or FlexNet Inventory Agent.

Last inventory date

The last date information about the device was reported.

MAC address
The Media Access Control (MAC) address of the inventory device. If a device has multiple network interface cards, this field displays a comma-separated list of MAC addresses.
Tip: This field is deliberately empty for discovered device records created automatically by the Amazon connector to represent installations of Oracle Database within Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS).

Editable in the General tab of the discovered device properties.

Problem no. The number of the inventory error.
Problem summary Summary of the problem which occurred when attempting to execute the failed rule. This summary may include the error message and possible fixes.

The name of the rule which had an error. For more information on rules, navigate to Management > Discovery & Inventory > Discovery and Inventory Rules and click the rule name.


Specifies the name of the site or subnet to which this device has been allocated, based on its reported IP address. If the reported IP address does not place the computer in any defined site, the site is reported as Unrecognized.

Virtual server Displays Yes if the inventory device where the error occurred is located on a virtual server, or No if it is located on a physical server.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
