Licenses Compliance and Unlicensed Products Risks Report

IT Asset Management 2024 R2.2 (Cloud)

The Licenses Compliance and Unlicensed Products Risks report contains all license consumptions together with the unlicensed installations of commercial products. This report helps users to better understand their license compliance and to notice the "under the radar" installed commercial applications.

Generating the report

  1. Go to the Licenses Compliance and Unlicensed Products Risks page (Reporting > Compliance Reports > Licenses Compliance and Unlicensed Products Risks). You can also access this report by going to the Saved Reports page (Reporting > Saved Reports & Views > Saved Reports), navigating to the "SAM Operations" folder, and clicking Licenses Compliance and Unlicensed Products Risks.
  2. In the top left corner is a search field titled Publisher. You can skip this search to include all publishers in the report. If you want to include only a certain publisher in the report, click on the Publisher field, type in the publisher keyword in the Publisher search field and click the Search button, and then select the publisher. Click any blank area in the page to close the search box. For help with the search, see To Use a Fly-Down.
  3. Click Run report.

Reading the report

The following table lists all the columns that are available in the report. All of these columns are displayed by default.

Column name Description
Compliance Cost (currency) Shows the result of multiplying the Shortfall/Availability figure by the Price per right amount, as at the most recent license consumption calculations.
  • If the result is negative, this may be a budget matter to provide for the necessary additional purchases (a true compliance cost).
  • A positive amount represents a past expense that currently is not being fully utilized.
  • The result is zero if either of the input figures is zero.

The number of license entitlements consumed, as at the last compliance calculation, based on inventory imports.

For unlicensed product installations, this number is the count of installations on active devices with the unlicensed products. For Oracle options, this is the count of active devices that have the instances with Activated and Used options.

License Cost (currency) The cost of the license in this row. This is the calculated result of the consumption displayed in the Consumed column multiplied by the Price per right displayed in this row.
License Name

If the row stands for a license, this column will display the name of the license.

If the row stands for an unlicensed product, this column will display "No License For Product Installations" or "No License For Used Option".

License Type

The kind of license which determines what properties are available for the license, and how compliance is calculated for the license.

If the row stands for an unlicensed product, the license type will display "N/A - Installation" as the count will not apply a license metric.
Price per Right (currency) The unit cost of one entitlement (or point, depending on the license type). This cost is taken from the first available of the following data points, from highest to lowest priority:
  1. The Amount field on the Financial tab of the license properties.
  2. The Override unit price on the Purchases tab of the license properties.
  3. The Quantity amount at unit price field on the Financial tab of the properties of the purchase most recently linked to the license.
  4. Zero.

The name of the product with unlicensed installations or the name of the product covered by the license.


The publisher for the licenses and products in scope. Note that for licenses, the publisher is calculated from the primary applications covered by the license to be consistent with the product’s publishers.


The number of software purchases for the license.


Displays the result of the purchases (shown in the Purchased column) minus the consumption (shown in the Consumed column). A positive number means you have surplus entitlements, and a negative number means you are under-purchased. For points-based licenses, the value is the number of points rather than entitlements.

Unlicensed Oracle Instances Using Option The top eight Oracle instances that have the Oracle option in scope used but are not covered by a license. The goal is to give pointers to instances where the options are used without showing all (potentially numerous) instances.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
