Licenses Issues Analysis Report

IT Asset Management 2024 R2.2 (Cloud)

The Licenses Issues Analysis report provides details on licenses and looks for potential issues.

Licenses are the “heart of the reactor” in IT Asset Management. They contain all the logic to calculate license consumptions for various license types. While it can be easy to create a license (see Creating a License), a license is a sophisticated object that has many attributes and can be incorrectly configured. And incorrect license configurations can cause issues, such as product versions not being correctly monitored.

This report provides helpful data for transparency of the created licenses, such as covered products, other overlapping licenses, restriction details, when and by whom the license was lastly modified, and so on.

The report also checks inconsistencies that previously could take hours to identify, such as whether the license has downgrade rights, whether the license has inconsistent upgrade and downgrade rights across its covered products, whether the license covers applications that have high numbers of unlicensed installations, and so on.

Note: User restrictions applied to the licenses also apply to this report. Therefore, some users can only see certain licenses, and some users can see all licenses but only the permitted purchases and consumptions within the licenses. For more information about setting up access restrictions, see IT Asset Management Settings: Licensing Tab.

Generating the report

  1. Go to the Licenses Issues Analysis page (Reporting > Operations Reports > Licenses Issues Analysis). You can also access this report by going to the Saved Reports page (Reporting > Saved Reports & Views > Saved Reports), navigating to the "SAM Operations" folder, and clicking Licenses Issues Analysis.
  2. Click Run report.

Reading the report

The following table lists all the columns that are available in the report. Some of these columns are optional and are not displayed by default; however, you can make them visible by moving them out of the column chooser.

Column name Description
Allocated The number of license entitlements allocated to computers or end-users. See more details on the All Licenses page.
Allocated with report The name of the report that is used to allocate the license. In other words, the report which defines either a device group or user group based on the license type that the license is allocated to.
Category The category chosen for this license. See more details on the All Licenses page.
Consumed The number of license entitlements (or points) consumed across the enterprise. See more details on the All Licenses page.
Corporate unit The name of the corporate unit of the license. See more details on the All Licenses page.
Cost Center The name of the cost center of the license. See more details on the All Licenses page.
Exempted with report The name of the report that is used to exempt the license. In other words, the report which defines either a device group or user group based on the license type that the license is exempt from.
Has no downgrade right Indicates when the license does not have the downgrade right. Typically, 99% of licenses should have the downgrade right.
Inconsistent upgrade and downgrade rights across products Displays Yes if the downgrade and upgrade rights are inconsistent. When a license monitors multiple products, this inconsistency can happen if the downgrade or upgrade right of products added after the creation of licenses is not set, which can cause all versions for these products not being correctly monitored.
Last modified The last modification date of the license.
Last modified by The last modifier of the license.
Note: The Flexera process service user might be the last modifier of a license in the case of automated modification, for example, when a new version has been added to the Application Recognition Library and the license has upgrade rights.
License type The type of the license. See more details on the All Licenses page.
Licenses with overlapping applications (Top 8) Other licenses that have common application monitoring. This information helps the user to understand what other licenses compete on the same installations for the license consumption calculation.
Location The name of the location of the license. See more details on the All Licenses page.
Name The name of the license. See more details on the All Licenses page.
Named user missing upgrade rights Indicates when a named user license does not have upgrade rights. By definition, a named user is a user with active subscriptions, which gives the user upgrade rights and that should be reflected on the license to allow the automatic addition of new recognized versions.
Notes related to analyzed license Any special information about this license not covered by other fields on this tab or the other property tabs. It is good practice to include any internal notes that will assist in auditing this license. Notes can be added in the Notes field of the Identification tab in License Properties.
Possible configuration issues identified for the license Displays a comma-separated list of possible configuration issues identified for the license, such as:
  • The active license has no downgrade rights
  • The multi-product license has inconsistent upgrade and downgrade rights across products
  • The license is linked to an application without evidence.
Products covered by license (Top 8) Displays a list of the top eight products that the license monitors.
Publisher The name of the publisher for this license, responsible for its distribution.
Purchased The total number of license entitlements recorded for this license. See more details on the All Licenses page.
Related application may have no usage collected Displays Yes if any application monitored by the license has more than 100 installations on active devices but 0 usage. This column is particularly useful when some applications covered by the license have no usage reported, which makes the Used column of the license less informative.
Restricted to enterprise group Indicates when the license has restriction on the Location, Cost center, or Corporate unit properties.
Restricted with report The name of the report that is used to restrict the license, in other words, the report defining a device or user group that the license is restricted to.
Status The status of the license. See more details on the All Licenses page.
Unlicensed installations for related applications The number of unlicensed installation for the primary products covered by the license. A big number indicates that licenses have partial coverage of the deployed estate of applications, due to restrictions or allocations of named users.
Used The number of installations of the licensed applications actively being used. See more details on the All Licenses page.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
