Creating an Workspace ONE UEM Mobile Application Catalog Item
When App Portal is connected to an Workspace ONE UEM instance, you can use the New Catalog Item Wizard to create a mobile application catalog item containing an Apple iOS, Google Android, or Windows Phone mobile app. All mobile apps configured on the connected Workspace ONE UEM instance, both internal and public store, can be associated with an App Portal catalog item and made available in App Portal.
You can add multiple versions of a mobile application to the same catalog item in order to accommodate different operating systems and different . For example, a single catalog item named ABC Application could contain the following versions of the same mobile app:
ABC Application / iOS iPhone Version |
ABC Application / iOS iPad Version |
ABC Application / Android Version |
ABC Application / Windows Phone Version |
When the end user requests this mobile application, the version appropriate to the user’s registered device will be delivered.
Note:You can also link a mobile application to its corresponding desktop version so that end users requesting one will be asked whether they want to also receive the other. See Linking a Mobile Application with a Desktop Application.
Note:If a user does not have a registered mobile device, that user will not see any mobile applications displayed on the Browse Catalog tab. Also, if a user has only iOS mobile registered, Android-only mobile applications will not be visible on the Browse Catalog tab for that user, and vice versa.
To create an Workspace ONE UEM mobile application catalog item, perform the following steps.
To create an Workspace ONE UEM mobile application catalog item:
Under Catalog Management, select New Catalog Item Wizard. The Catalog Item Type panel of the New Catalog Item Wizard opens. |
Select Mobile Application Catalog Item and click Next. The Mobile Application panel opens. |
Select Workspace ONE UEM Application. |
Select the platform(s) of the mobile application you want to add to this catalog item: Android Application, iOS Application, and/or Windows Application. |
Click Next. If you selected Android Application, the Workspace ONE UEM Android Applications panel opens, listing all of the Android applications on the Workspace ONE UEM instance. |
Select the Android application that you want to add and click Next. If you selected iOS Application on the Mobile Application panel, the Workspace ONE UEM iOS Applications panel opens. |
Select the iOS mobile application that you want to associate with this new catalog item. |
Next to Supported , select iPhone and/or iPad to indicate the that this mobile application supports. |
Click Next. If you selected Windows Application on the Mobile Application panel, the Workspace ONE UEM Windows Applications panel opens. |
Select the Windows Phone mobile application that you want to associate with this new catalog item. |
Next to Supported , select Windows Phone and/or Windows Phone 8 to indicate the that this mobile application supports. |
Click Next. The Catalog Item Title and Category panel opens. |
In the Title field, enter a title to identify this catalog item in your App Portal storefront. By default, the name of the package or application that you selected is listed in this field. |
From the Category field, select a category to specify this catalog item’s location in the App Portal catalog. You are required to select at least one category, but you may select more than one. |
In the Brief Description field, enter the text that you want to display under the catalog item Title in the App Portal storefront (when viewed in list view). |
By default, a generic icon is associated with this catalog item. To associate a custom icon to this catalog item, click Change to open the Image Selection dialog box and select a .gif, .jpg, or .png icon file. |
Tip:For best results, the uploaded image should be 80 px by 80 px or larger.
In the Search Keywords text box, enter single words that an end user might enter when searching for this catalog item. |
In the Full Description text area, enter a longer description of this catalog item, and use the items on the toolbar to format it. |
The text entered in the Title, Brief Description, and Full Description fields will be displayed as follows:
Title—The text entered in the Title field along with the catalog item icon, will be displayed when viewing this catalog item on the Browse Catalog tab. |
Brief Description—When viewing catalog items in list view, the brief description will also be visible: |
Full Description—The text entered in the Full Description field will be displayed when a catalog item is viewed in its detail view, which is opened by clicking on the catalog item name in either the list or card view. |
When you are finished editing the fields on the Catalog Item Title and Category panel, click Next. The Ready to Create panel opens. |
If, after this catalog item is created, you want to immediately open this catalog item’s Catalog Item Properties dialog box, where you can specify advanced settings, select the Load advanced view after creating the catalog item option. |
Review the summary information and then click Create to create this new catalog item. The catalog item will now be listed on the Browse Catalog tab in the category you selected. |
Note:After creating a catalog item, you can edit its basic and advanced settings on the Catalog Item Properties dialog box, as described in Setting Catalog Item Properties.
See Also
New Catalog Item Wizard
Catalog Item Properties Dialog Box