Catalog Item Properties Dialog Box
The Catalog Item Properties dialog box is a multi-tabbed form that you use to create a new catalog item and edit the properties of an existing catalog item. After a catalog item is created, the name of the dialog box changes to the name of the catalog item.
There are several ways to open the Catalog Item Properties dialog box:
When you want to ... |
Do this ... |
To create a new Software Catalog Item |
Under Catalog Management > Create New Catalog Item, select the New Software Catalog Item node. Note:You can also create a new Software catalog item using the New Catalog Item Wizard, as described in Creating a New Catalog Item Using the Wizard. |
To create a new General Catalog Item |
Under Catalog Management > Create New Catalog Item, select the New General Catalog Item node. Note:You can also create a new General catalog item using the New Catalog Item Wizard, as described in Creating a New Catalog Item Using the Wizard. |
To create a new Group Catalog Item |
Under Catalog Management > Create New Catalog Item, select the New Group Catalog Item node. |
To edit an existing catalog item |
On the Catalog Management > Current Catalog Items view, double-click an existing catalog item. |
The Catalog Item Properties dialog box includes the following main tabs:
• | General Tab |
• | Notes Tab |
• | Deployment Tab |
• | Link Desktop Catalog Tab |
• | FlexNet Manager Suite Tab |
• | Catalog Items Tab |
• | Visibility Tab |
• | Approval Tab |
• | Approval Process Tab |
• | Custom Variables Tab |
• | Cloud Apps Tab |
• | Security Groups Tab |
• | Actions Tab |
• | Notifications Tab |
• | Permissions Tab |