Catalog Item Properties Dialog Box

The Catalog Item Properties dialog box is a multi-tabbed form that you use to create a new catalog item and edit the properties of an existing catalog item. After a catalog item is created, the name of the dialog box changes to the name of the catalog item.

There are several ways to open the Catalog Item Properties dialog box:

Ways to Open the Catalog Item Properties Dialog Box

When you want to ...

Do this ...

To create a new Software Catalog Item

Under Catalog Management > Create New Catalog Item, select the New Software Catalog Item node.

Note:You can also create a new Software catalog item using the New Catalog Item Wizard, as described in Creating a New Catalog Item Using the Wizard.

To create a new General Catalog Item

Under Catalog Management > Create New Catalog Item, select the New General Catalog Item node.

Note:You can also create a new General catalog item using the New Catalog Item Wizard, as described in Creating a New Catalog Item Using the Wizard.

To create a new Group Catalog Item

Under Catalog Management > Create New Catalog Item, select the New Group Catalog Item node.

To edit an existing catalog item

On the Catalog Management > Current Catalog Items view, double-click an existing catalog item.

The Catalog Item Properties dialog box includes the following main tabs:

General Tab
Notes Tab
Deployment Tab
Link Desktop Catalog Tab
FlexNet Manager Suite Tab
Catalog Items Tab
Visibility Tab
Approval Tab
Approval Process Tab
Custom Variables Tab
Cloud Apps Tab
Security Groups Tab
Actions Tab
Notifications Tab
Permissions Tab