SaaS License Usage
Note:The reporting function within the SaaS Management application is always a “trailing indicator.” This means that when you first add a vendor, the first 30 days of data will not show the correct indicators because of the lack of historical data. All analyses run on a cycle. Without historical usage information, the analysis will be incomplete as we do not have enough data to make determinations about the general activity.
Accessing SaaS License Usage
To access the SaaS License Usage page, go to the SaaS menu and select SaaS License Usage.
SaaS License Usage Data Updates
It may take up to 1 hour for the data to update in the following columns of the Application Usage table:
• | Assigned Users |
• | Active Users |
• | % Active Users |
• | Per User Cost |
• | Annual Spend. |
SaaS License Usage UI Overview
The following tables describe the SaaS License Usage bar charts and table columns.
• | SaaS License Usage Bar Charts |
• | SaaS License Usage Buttons |
• | SaaS License Usage Table Columns |
The following table explains the SaaS License Usage bar charts.
Bar Chart |
Description |
Annual Application Spend |
This bar chart tracks the top 10 most expensive applications for your organization. When you hover over a particular application, the annual spend displays. Manipulate the chart by hovering over the tools on the right side of each graph: download plot as a png, zoom, pan, box select, zoom in, zoom out, autoscale, and reset axes. |
Applications by Utilization |
This bar chart tracks the top 10 most used applications by user activity (Active, Inactive, or Never Active). When you hover over a particular application, the number of Active, Inactive, or Never Active users displays. To date, the number of inactive and never active users can be found by selecting an application in the SaaS License Usage table, clicking the App Users tile, and sorting the Activity column for active, inactive, or never active users. Manipulate the chart by hovering over the tools on the right side of each graph: download plot as a png, zoom, pan, box select, zoom in, zoom out, autoscale, and reset axes. |
The following table explains the SaaS License Usage buttons.
Button |
Description |
Show License Details |
Move this button to the right to display license usage information for SaaS applications that have multiple SKUs. The top row summarizes all the licenses and is followed by rows that display each license. |
Export CSV |
Turn on the Show License Details toggle and click the Export CSV button to export a listing of your SaaS License Usage. This CSV file can be further analyzed in tools such as Microsoft Excel. For SaaS applications with multiple licenses, such as Microsoft 365 and Salesforce, the exported CSV file lists each license as a separate line item in the Licenses column. The license’s corresponding usage information such as Annual Cost and # of Users Allowed column information displays in the same row as the Licenses information. |
SaaS License Usage Table Columns
The following table describes the SaaS License Usage table columns. Within a few minutes after Adding an Application and integrating the application’s Application Roster task, data will populate in the SaaS License Usage columns.
Column |
Description |
Application |
After Adding an Application, the prestored application name from the SaaS Management Managed SaaS Applications is populated. |
Licenses Allowed |
This number is pulled in from the Provisioned that was entered in the Licenses Tab . In the case where there is at least one unlimited license term, then the license count summary is “unlimited”. Tip:Move the Show License Details button to the right to show additional license type information for Office 365 and Salesforce. |
Assigned Users |
This number refers to users from the application roster that have a license assigned. The Assigned Users number matches the total number of users, located in the lower left-hand corner, of the application’s Users Tab. |
Active Users |
This is the total number of users from the application roster that are considered active. The Active Users number matches the total number of Active users listed in the Activity column of the application’s Users Tab. |
% Active Users |
This number is equal to the number of Active Users divided by the number of Assigned Users. Note:the following:
Per User Cost |
This amount is equal to the total annual cost of each license assigned to the user and rounded to the nearest whole number. For SaaS applications with multiple SKUs, there is a top summary row followed by a row for each license. The individual licenses are displayed after moving the Show License Details button to the right. In the summary row, the per user cost is calculated by taking the average per user cost across the sum of all the application’s licenses. |
Annual Spend |
This is the application’s annual license cost. For applications with licenses that span over an 18-month, two-year, or three-year period, the annual spend is prorated. The Annual Spend amount matches the total amount from each term entered in the application’s Licenses Tab . |