Authorizing a SaaS Integration

SaaS Management offers several Ways to Authorize Direct SaaS Integrations .

The following subsections explain specific integration scenarios.

Safelisting Flexera One IP Addresses
Adding a SaaS Integration
Authorizing a SaaS Integration at a Later Date
Adding Discovered SSO Enabled Applications to Your List of Managed SaaS Applications
Converting an SSO Integration to a Direct Integration

Ways to Authorize Direct SaaS Integrations




You can authorize a direct integration during the process of adding a new SaaS application to your list of Managed SaaS Applications. For more information, see Adding a SaaS Integration.

You can authorize a direct integration at any point after adding a new SaaS application to your list of Managed SaaS Applications. For more information, see Authorizing a SaaS Integration at a Later Date.

You can convert an SSO integration to a direct integration at any time after the SSO is configured. For more information, see Converting an SSO Integration to a Direct Integration.

Safelisting Flexera One IP Addresses

Best Practice:To support the proper functioning of SaaS Management in Flexera One when Adding a SaaS Integration, Flexera recommends that administrators enable access to Flexera One’s outbound IP addresses on the SaaS vendor site (Azure, ServiceNow, Salesforce, etc.) or the call will be blocked. For more information, see Source IP Address Filtering. These IP addresses are static and are subject to change by Flexera.

Adding a SaaS Integration

After Safelisting Flexera One IP Addresses, complete the following steps to integrate your SaaS applications and display data in SaaS Management.

To enter the SaaS application integration information at a later date, see Authorizing a SaaS Integration at a Later Date.

Best Practice:It is recommended to first integrate your Human Resources (HR) provider. To see which applications have integrations, see the list of SaaS Management’s prebuilt integrations in Application Task Tracking. If you want to request an integration, Contact Flexera Support in the Flexera Community.

To add a SaaS integration:

1. From the SaaS menu, click Managed SaaS Applications. The Managed SaaS Applications page opens.
2. Click Add Application. The Add Application page opens.
3. Complete the Add Application page workflow to add the application. After clicking Authorize to complete the process for Authorizing a SaaS Integration, the application’s Integrations tab opens. For more information, see Adding an Application.
4. Enter the application credentials. Not all integrations are the same when it comes to authorization. For some integrations, you will need to enter your username and password into SaaS Management, others require an API key, others redirect you to sign in via the application. For specific integration details, see the integration Instructions.
5. Confirm your application was integrated correctly. The following table lists the integration success indicators.

Note:the following:

All the integration tasks typically run on a 24-hour cadence.
There are exceptions to this rule on an app-by-app basis. Your first application integration may take longer for data to start flowing. If data does not flow within 24 hours, Contact Flexera Support in the Flexera Community.

Field /Column/Tab Name

Integration Success Indicator

Authorization Status


Agent Enabled


Execution Log table (legacy SaaS Management integration)

Errors, such as invalid user name and password, will not appear. An execution log link is not available for this legacy integration.

If an error message appears, see SaaS Management Troubleshooting. If you do not see your error message listed, Contact Flexera Support in the Flexera Community and include a screenshot of the error you are receiving with details on where an when the error occurred.

Status column in Execution Log table

(legacy SaaS Management integration)


Action column in Integration Tasks table (current SaaS Management integration)


Note:If an integration task is disabled in the Integration Tasks Action column, Never Executed will appear in the Last Run column, and Unavailable will appear in the Logs column.

Logs column in Integration Tasks table (current SaaS Management integration)

A download link appears.

Note:After an integration is authorized or integration tasks are enabled, it will take some time for the integration Last Run time, success Status, and Logs download link to appear. Refresh your browser to see the integration task details.

If an error message appears, see SaaS Management Troubleshooting. If you do not see your error message listed, Contact Flexera Support in the Flexera Community and include a screenshot of the error you are receiving with details on where an when the error occurred.

Authorizing a SaaS Integration at a Later Date

Complete the following steps if you have added a SaaS application to your list of Managed SaaS Applications in SaaS Management, and you need to authorize the application’s integration.

To authorize a SaaS integration at a later date:

1. From the SaaS menu, click Managed SaaS Applications. The Managed SaaS Applications page opens.
2. On the Managed SaaS Applications page, find the application you want to integrate with.
3. If there is no authorized integration, the Integration tab will have a red circle with an exclamation mark (!) signifying that an action must be taken. Click the Integration tab to view the warning text box stating: Warning! An integration has not been configured for this product. You may Setup the integration. 
4. To authorize an integration, click Setup and follow the steps in Authorizing a SaaS Integration.

Adding Discovered SSO Enabled Applications to Your List of Managed SaaS Applications

After the Application Discovery integration task has been enabled after 24 hours, you can add the discovered SSO enabled applications to your list of Managed SaaS Applications. For more information, perform the following steps.

To add a discovered SSO enabled application to your list of Managed SaaS Applications:

1. From the SaaS menu, click Managed SaaS Applications. The Managed SaaS Applications page opens.
2. Click the name of your SSO application, which opens the application’s details page. For a list of SSO providers that are supported by SaaS Management, see the Single Sign-On (SSO) column in Instructions.
3. Click the Integrated Applications Tab tab.
4. Click EDIT.
5. Click Manage to select the applications you wish to manage to your list of Managed SaaS Applications. Added (Not Saved) will appear. After adding all the appropriate applications, click Save. When the successfully saved pop-up opens, click OK.
6. Go to Applications and select Managed. In the Managed SaaS Applications page, you will see all the applications that you have chosen to manage in SaaS Management.
7. Click an application name to open the application’s details page. Your application data should be populating within the hour. It may take up to 24 hours to update all tiles of the application upon first execution.
8. After your SSO is configured, you can create a direct integration for any or all applications found in your Managed SaaS Applications. For more information, see Converting an SSO Integration to a Direct Integration.

Converting an SSO Integration to a Direct Integration

After you have successfully integrated your SSO provider’s application in Authorizing a SaaS Integration, you can convert an SSO integration to a direct integration for any or all applications found in your Managed SaaS Applications that were integrated via your SSO. The pros and cons of converting an SSO integration to a direct integration are listed in Single Sign-On (SSO) vs. Direct Integrations.

To convert an SSO integration to a direct integration:

1. From the SaaS menu, click Managed SaaS Applications. The Managed SaaS Applications page opens.
2. Click the application that you want to convert from an SSO to a direct integration. In the application’s details page, the application name will have underneath it (Integrated via [SSO provider]).
3. Click the Integration tab where you will see a red circle with an exclamation mark signifying that an action must be taken.
4. You will see a warning text box referencing your SSO and the application you want to authorize a direct integration: Warning! This app is currently integrated via [OneLogin]. You may configure a direct integration with [DocuSign], but this will disable any data import currently configured via [OneLogin]. Click HERE to set up the integration. To set up the direct integration, follow the steps in Authorizing a SaaS Integration.