Unrecognized Installer Evidence

IT Asset Management (Cloud)

The Installer evidence tab of the Unrecognized Evidence page displays the installer evidence discovered in your enterprise, but not yet linked to applications.

Available actions

You can perform the following actions on the listed evidence records:

Available columns

This page displays the following columns (listed alphabetically). Some columns are displayed by default and others can be displayed through the column chooser. To manage columns and other UI options, see the topics under Managing Columns in a Table.

Note: The Save view as feature of IT Asset Management enables you to create customized management views of a page by saving the applied user interface settings. For more information, see Creating Saved Views.
Column name Details

Displays Yes when the evidence is matched to at least one application, and otherwise displays No. This assignment may have been done automatically through the Application Recognition Library rules, or manually by the operator.

This data is read-only.

Specifies the number of times that a particular evidence rule is matched in software inventory.
Note: A figure displayed in the Matches column is often higher than the number of installations of the software applications (the installation count is displayed in the Installed column on the Applications tab of the evidence properties). These figures may be different for the following reasons:
  • Multiple items within the same inventory can match one evidence rule. For example, if the version in a rule is generalized as "1.%", then the evidence for releases 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 all count as separate evidence matches; but they may all resolve to the same installed application (where they are found on a single computer).
  • Some inventory tools may count duplicate computer records as having separate instances of evidence. However, when calculating the installation count, IT Asset Management automatically merges duplicate device records, and does not double-count application installations.

This data is read-only.


The installer evidence name is derived from native packaging tools on each device. For example, on Windows® devices, the sources include MSI information and Add/Remove Programs data. Clicking on the hyperlinked Name value opens the property sheet for this installer evidence, and in those properties theDevices tab identifies all the inventory devices where this installer evidence has been located.

For evidence created from the IBM License Service, the name takes the form:
These may identify either IBM Cloud Paks, or "bundled applications" which are members of a Cloud Pak bundle.
For installer names that you create manually, the Name is editable in the General tab of the installer evidence properties. For evidence supplied through the Application Recognition Library, the Name field is not editable.
Tip: Keep in mind that editing the evidence name in your rule may cause the FlexNet Inventory Agent to not recognize the applications linked with your evidence rule.

The publisher name listed in the evidence.

For the manually-created records, this field is editable in the General tab of the evidence properties.

The source of this evidence rule:
  • Flexera — The evidence is identified in the Application Recognition Library, and is linked only to the identified application.
  • Flexera (Extended) — Shown when an operator added an additional application to the original record from the Application Recognition Library, or ignored it, or when an ARL evidence comes over the same existing local one. Nevertheless, this status is not refreshed.
  • Local — Shown when an operator in your enterprise created the record for this application, or when the raw evidence doesn't match any existing evidence in the Application Recognition Library.

This data is read-only.


The kind of software installer that generated this evidence, or where the installer evidence is found. Examples include MSI, Add/Remove Programs, and so on.

When creating your own installer evidence record, you can select any of the following:
  • Add/Remove Programs — the information collected from this Windows® feature.
  • ADDM — application details imported from BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping.
  • Adobe — evidence for Adobe applications.
  • Any — widely used by Application Recognition Library, allowing the recognition process to match the evidence from any installer.
  • App-V — evidence collected from the Management Server database for the Microsoft Application Virtualization platform (see the App-V Server Adapter section in IT Asset Management Inventory Adapters and Connectors Reference).
  • BEA — the custom installer developed by BEA Systems (acquired by Oracle in early 2008).
  • Data Platform — the evidence was imported from Data Platform v5 (previously from BDNA, now from Flexera). Typically this represents an application that Data Platform (which includes BDNA Normalize) has identified as installed on inventory device(s) within your enterprise; but since the application is not [yet] recognized by the Application Recognition Library (ARL), it cannot be recognized as an application by IT Asset Management. Except for local application records that you created within Normalize v5, these unrecognized evidence records may be automatically converted to recognized applications after the appropriate future updates to the ARL.
  • DPKG — the package management program on Debian-based systems.
  • DSPMQ — evidence related to IBM WebSphere MQ, for checking whether an installation is of the server product, or the (free) client product.
  • FlexeraID — a unique ID generated for any application, and used consistently across multiple Flexera products for application packaging, software license optimization, and so on. This value is automatically applied to unrecognized installed evidence that:
    • Is imported from the Data Platform v5 product
    • Represents items that Data Platform v5 recognizes as applications installed within your enterprise
    • Is an item that Data Platform v5 records as present in the downloadable Application Recognition Library (ARL), such that it has a known Flexera ID
    • Is not currently an application record known within your local downloaded copy of the ARL (this means that your ARL is out of date, so that you can await the next automatic update, which typically occurs weekly).
  • HPUD — evidence retrieved from HP Universal Discovery (see the section HPE Universal Discovery Adapter in IT Asset Management Inventory Adapters and Connectors Reference).
  • IA — evidence from InstallAnywhere (from Flexera).
  • IBMLS — evidence created from imports from the IBM License Service.
  • IIM — evidence from IBM Installation Manager.
  • ILMT — evidence imported from the database in IBM License Metric Tool.
  • IPS — evidence from Oracle Solaris 11 Image Packaging System.
  • ISMP — evidence from InstallShield MultiPlatform (from Flexera).
  • Java — evidence for Oracle Java applications.
  • JBoss — evidence from installations of JBoss applications. The following Red Hat JBoss and middleware applications are detected:
    • JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
    • Web Server
    • Decision Manager
    • Fuse.
  • LPP — evidence from the installer for 'licensed program products' on AIX (from IBM).
  • MSI — evidence left in the registry by Microsoft Installer on Windows.
  • Oracle EBS Module – evidence for Oracle E-Business Suite discovered through Oracle introspection with IT Asset Management.
  • Oracle FMW — evidence collected from installed applications in the Oracle Fusion Middleware collection, including (for example) edition-specific evidence for Oracle WebLogic Server.
  • OS X App — an application group (hierarchy of folders and files) for Macintosh OS X.
  • OUI — evidence from Oracle Universal Installer.
  • RPM — package evidence from this widely-used installation technology available on many GNU/Linux distributions, AIX, and Novell Netware.
  • SaaS — A general SaaS evidence type that is used for any software as a service (SaaS) licensed on a subscription basis and centrally hosted that comes into IT Asset Management. For example, Salesforce, Microsoft 365, and evidence imported from the Flexera SaaS Manager.
  • SDUX — evidence from the Software Distributor for HP-UX (from Hewlett-Packard).
  • Software ID Tag — evidence read from an ISO 19770-2 software identification tag file (also known as SWID tags).
  • StreamedApplication — Citrix Cloud streamed application local evidence that is not recognized by the Application Recognition Library (ARL). The evidence needs to be manually assigned to an application.
  • SUNPKG — evidence from an installer on Solaris (for the SVR4 package format). Legacy SVR4 packages installed by the Solaris 11 IPS tool are also recognized and identified with this source type.
  • Toad — evidence collected for Toad for Oracle on a Windows-based Oracle Server, mainly by inspecting the SettingsLocations.ini file. Currently this is the evidence most often used to recognize Toad for Oracle.
  • Toad License — evidence also collected from a Windows-based Oracle server where Toad for Oracle is installed. Currently this evidence type is not used for application recognition in the Application Recognition Library, but the evidence type remains available for use in your own recognition rules if required.
  • Universal Application — evidence of an application built on the Microsoft universal app platform, which allows applications to run on multiple Windows 10 devices, such as mobile, desktop, console, holographic, and IoT devices (in contrast with legacy Windows applications installed from MSIs, which can run only on devices built using the Wintel architecture).
  • Unknown — used for evidence that does not match any recognized installer type.
  • VMware — application information imported from VMware VCenter.

The version of the installed application, as reported by the evidence.

For the manually-created records, this field is editable in the General tab of the evidence properties. An evidence version retrieved from Application Recognition Library is not editable.
Note: Incorrectly editing a version may stop the inventory agent from recognizing the applications linked to the evidence. If you edit the version number, be sure to check the association with the application and ensure that the rule (or wildcards) still applies to the modified evidence.
Tip: While each piece of evidence should have a distinct version, you can link them to an application using the percent wildcard character (%). This represents zero or more characters. For example, the evidence versions reported for a single application on 3 different computers might be,, and (they might represent different service packs and hot-fixes). On the linked application, you can merge this evidence to a single rule for version 10.1.%. Then license calculations will link all three pieces of evidence to the same application.
Note: The period and a comma characters are counted as matching each other. There is no single wildcard character.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
