Allocation Type

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
Indicates whether a license entitlement has been allocated to this device (for device-based licenses) or user (for user-based licenses). A license entitlement confers the right to install/use the application linked to the license.
Tip: One exception for user-based licenses is for users whose status (on the General tab of user properties) is Retired. While you may still make allocations to such users, they cannot consume from user-based licenses, and so are not included in the total of consuming allocations shown on this page. Best practice, therefore, is to remove any allocations when users retire (leave your enterprise).
This column indicates the allocation status of this license for a device or a user. An allocation assigns the right to use the licensed application (and is meaningless/not functional when the license is not linked to any application). You can manually set the kind of allocation by selecting an inventory device or a user and using the Allocate drop-down list on this tab (see Making License Allocations). It can have any of the following values:
  • Allocated — The standard type of allocation, indicating that this installation (of the application linked to the license) is given top priority in consuming entitlements from this license, and cannot consume from other licenses, even though they may be linked to the same application. However, with this type of allocation, consumption from this license still depends on the existence of an inventory record for the relevant linked application. For example, if you allocate a license entitlement to an inventory device but the installation of the linked application is not detected on the inventory device by the inventory process, the consumption count remains unchanged. A few points to consider about this allocation type are:
    • This is the default allocation type you can make to inventory devices and users linked to this license.
    • The allocation behavior changes when the Allocations consume license entitlements option is selected, forcing all allocations to consume license entitlements regardless of reported installations (see Use Rights & Rules Tab).
    • The addition of a license key or an exemption reason, or changing the value of the Overridden consumption field for a row (when it is not already set), changes the allocation type for the license to Allocated. For more details, see Managing License Keys, Overridden Consumption, and Exemption Reason.
    • This type of allocation only affects calculations from the next full license reconciliation. When IT Asset Management is configured for high-frequency sub-capacity calculations for IBM PVU licenses, a standard allocation made after the most recent full reconciliation does not affect the peak consumption checks, until the next full reconciliation.
  • Awaiting Inventory — This allocation counts as an installation of the linked application (triggering consumption of license entitlement(s)) until inventory is reconciled for the allocated user or device. Once inventory is received (and reconciled), the record is automatically switched to Allocated. In summary, this setting acts like Permanent while waiting for the first device inventory, and then switches over to act like Allocated.
    Tip: If inventory has previously been collected for an inventory device or user and is still current in the database, the switch from Awaiting Inventory to Allocated occurs at the next reconciliation. The typical use case for this setting is when preparing data records for new devices that are not yet in service, for which you want to 'reserve' (allocate) licenses ahead of time. In this case, it will likely be the device's first inventory record that causes the switch.
  • Permanent — This allocation permanently allocates a license entitlement to this user or inventory device. From the next Reconcile, this allocation will be permanently counted as an installation of the linked application (and consume from this license), regardless of whether any matching application inventory is reported for this user or inventory device. This type of allocation has immediate effect, including on high-frequency sub-capacity calculations for IBM PVU licenses.
    Note: A permanent allocation can only count as consumption when the license is linked to an application record.
Tip: In IT Asset Management, you can also use any of the following methods to permanently allocate a license (to an inventory device or user):
  • By setting allocation for a particular inventory device: In the inventory device properties, in the Licenses tab, for Allocated select the Permanent option as described above. This setting applies uniquely to the current inventory device, and does not affect allocations to other devices.
  • By setting allocation for a particular user: In the user properties, in the Licenses tab, for Allocated select the Permanent option. This setting applies uniquely to the current user, and does not affect allocations to other users.
This means that allocations allow fine-grained control. For example, you can allocate entitlements from a license to 50 inventory devices using the default allocation type; but from the inventory device properties, set just one sales consultant's laptop to a Permanent allocation, so that it always counts as installed (regardless of inventory). The remaining 49 get the top priority for the license entitlements, and if they report a linked application, they must consume from the allocated license; but they consume only when an inventory result triggers consumption. But the laptop always consumes, even when the sales consultant's travels prevent inventory collection.
  • Unallocated — This license is not allocated to an inventory device or user. This is the default state for the licenses linked through installation or usage, rather than allocations. This value is also displayed when an existing allocation is deallocated from an inventory device or a user.

IT Asset Management (Cloud)
