Citrix Cloud adapter enhancement
Note:This enhancement is available with IT Asset Management.
The Citrix Cloud adapter released in 2022 R2 has been further enhanced to now recognize entitlement access for virtual desktops and application level access for streamed applications, giving users better visibility into their Citrix estate.
With this new capability, IT Asset Management can account for application license consumption for scenarios where Desktop Entitlement is present for a delivery group, or where Application-Level User restriction is present for application(s) for a delivery group, or both desktops and applications are delivered from a delivery group. In Citrix Cloud, desktop and application user access is one level below the delivery group level (the delivery group level is the parent level above desktops and applications).
You can view Citrix virtual desktop data by running the Citrix Virtual Desktop Installer Evidence Report. To view application data, run the Citrix Virtual Apps Installer Evidence Report.
Important:In order for IT Asset Management to collect data from the desktop and application level, Users/Group of Users and Applications/Group of Applications must be assigned at the delivery group level and also at the desktop level and application level. For example, for virtual desktop access, if there are five users in total assigned at delivery group level but only two out of those five are assigned at desktop level, then only two virtual machines will be created. Virtual desktop evidence collected when running the report in IT Asset Management will show data pertaining to those two virtual machines. Data will not show for all five users that are in the delivery group, only those at delivery group level and desktop level.
Product documentation for how to manage Entitlement Access for virtual desktops and Application Level Access for streamed applications in Citrix is available in the Manage Delivery Groups topic in the Citrix Online Help.
Until now, only delivery groups that exclusively streamed applications were queried. That's no longer the case with this enhancement. The Citrix Cloud adapter has been updated to query delivery groups that stream both applications and desktops.
Applications streamed from persistent VDIs are now also queried. Unlike non-persistent VDIs, persistent VDIs are static and not randomly assigned. If licenses are in use, a virtual machine is created and data will be collected and imported into IT Asset Management.
Note: Blocked List users in a Citrix delivery group or desktop are not supported.