April 2024

Flexera One introduced the following new features and enhancements this month.


New feature or enhancement


Support for cursor-based API pagination now available with relative path

IT Asset Management

View software SKUs with the new SKU Browser

The Kubernetes agent has been enhanced to provide discovery and visibility of Red Hat OpenShift operators

New columns added to the VMware Inventory page

Changes to supported operating systems and compatibility with other products

FlexNet Inventory Agent version 21.4.0 changes

Inventory Beacon 21.4.0 changes

IT Visibility

Configuring the Private Catalog for software releases

Improvements to IT Visibility dashboards 

SaaS Management

Adobe Creative Cloud integration now requires OAuth 2.0 authentication 

New fromDate parameter for API calls to filter SaaS user activity data  

Preview data import for additional SaaS vendors 

Universal API for ingesting SaaS data from cloud access security brokers