Enhancements to AWS usage reduction policies

Note:This enhancement is available with Automation.

Flexera One has released significant enhancements to the AWS usage reduction policies.

Revised policies

The following policies have been revised:

AWS Old Snapshots 
AWS Rightsize EC2 Instances (formerly AWS Rightsize Compute Instances)
AWS Unused IP Addresses
AWS Unused Volumes
AWS Unused RDS Instances 

New capabilities

The enhancements to the policies bring the following new functionality:

Streamlined code for faster execution.
Improved Incident Output—Additional context provided in incident output helps you in comprehending the presented information.
Added consistent parameters and functionality, including:
Configurable minimum savings threshold for generating recommendations.
Result filtering by region using allow or deny lists.
Resource exclusion using tags (key:value pairs).
Eliminated deprecated and redundant parameters.

Additional capabilities for select policies

The additional capabilities now included for the following policies are:

AWS Unused IP Addresses—You can use the Days Unattached parameter to specify the duration an IP address must remain unattached to qualify as unused.
AWS Unused Volumes—You can use the Volume Status parameter to include attached volumes, unattached volumes, or both in the incident and take actions on them.
AWS Unused RDS Instances—You can use the Unused Days parameter to define the historical check span for instance inactivity.
AWS Rightsize EC2 Instances—You can leverage the automatic actions capability to downsize or terminate instances.

Additional smaller refinements have also been implemented. For comprehensive details, consult the CHANGELOG.md file associated with each policy.