Flexera Automation policies enhanced with new authentication method

Note:This enhancement is available with Cloud Cost Optimization.

To improve the integration with Flexera One and cloud providers, the policies listed in the following bullet list have been enhanced with a new authentication method. The listed policies now require a new Flexera OAuth 2.0 credentials for connecting with Flexera Cloud Cost Optimization.

AWS Delete Unused Classic Load Balancers
AWS Expiring Reserved Instances
AWS GP3 Upgradeable Volumes
AWS Idle Compute Instances
AWS Old Snapshots
AWS Reserved Instances Utilization
AWS Unused IP Addresses
AWS Unused RDS Instance
AWS Unused Volumes
Azure Expiring Reserved Instances
Azure Idle Compute Instances
Azure Old Snapshots
Azure Sync Tags with Optima
Azure Unused IP Addresses
Azure Unused SQL Databases
Azure Unused Volumes
Billing Center Access Report
Billing Center Cost Anomalies
Budget Alerts
Budget Alerts by Cloud Account
Cheaper Regions
Cloud Spend Forecast - Moving Average
Flexera IAM Explicit User Roles
Low Account Usage
Low Service Usage
Monthly Actual v. Budgeted Spend Report
New Service Usage
Reserved Instance Report by Billing Center
Scheduled Report
Superseded Instances

When applying the policies you will see a prompt to select the Flexera Automation Credential. Select the Credential created as defined in the Provider Specific Credentials for Flexera.