New Power BI reporting insights for Microsoft 365 cost analysis and license downgrading

Note:This enhancement is available with SaaS Management.

Flexera One’s SaaS Management offers Power BI extensible reporting for Microsoft 365. The following new insights for analyzing Microsoft 365 cost analysis and downgrading Microsoft 365 user licenses are now available.

Blocked Credentials
Last Sign In
Last Used M365 Application
Multifactor Authentication

While these insights will not be available within the SaaS Management user interface until the third quarter of 2023, you can use Power BI reporting to utilize these insights now. For further information, refer to the Microsoft 365 Power BI Reporting for Flexera One's SaaS Management Knowledge Base article.

For more information refer to the following Flexera One Help topics:

Microsoft 365 
Microsoft 365 Certificate Based Authentication 
Microsoft 365 Client Credentials