New Flexera One policies
Note:This feature is available with Automation.
Flexera One adds support for additional Automation policies to help you in the following areas:
• | New Cost policies |
• | New Operational policies |
For a a complete list of supported policies, see the List of Flexera Policies topic in the Flexera One Help.
Note:Click the link in the Policy Name column to access the corresponding policy template.
Flexera One supports the following new Cost policies.
Policy Name |
Description |
Monitoring your Savings Plans is an important part of Cloud Financial Management, as tracking the utilization of Savings Plans will inform you of wasted commitments and help you distribute your savings more effectively. This policy is built on AWS Savings Plan utilization metrics, which shows you the percentage of your Savings Plans commitment you are using across your On-Demand usage. Applying this policy requires you to select a lookback period (number of days of past usage to analyze), the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Savings Plan to analyze, and a Utilization threshold to alert on if below the threshold. |
A key metric when managing Commitments in the cloud is savings realized from purchasing and using reservations. This allows you to understand the effectiveness of your savings strategy. Flexera One’s Azure Savings Realized from Reservations policy will help you to identify trends in your savings from Compute commitments, and importantly tie this back to total Compute spend as a percentage. Applying this policy only requires a start date, end date, and specific billing centers for the period you wish to view your savings realized for, as well as the chart type to view the data by. |
Predicting what you may spend on cloud is a challenging task given the variable nature of cloud consumption and the effects of optimization activities such as Reservations and Rightsizing. Our Cloud Spend Forecast policies provide several ways to gain some insight into what your future spend may look like. The following policies can be applied:
This policy uses the Moving Average method to forecast your spend. You can choose to forecast at the Billing Center or entire Organization level, specify how many months of historical data should be considered, and specify how many months should be forecasted. |
Cloud Spend Forecast - Straight-Line (Linear Regression Model) |
Cloud Spend Forecast policies provide a number of ways to gain some insight into what your future spend may look like. The following policies can be applied:
This policy uses the Straight-Line method using a Linear Regression model which uses a more sophisticated calculation than the Simple model to forecast your spend. You can choose to forecast at the Billing Center or entire Organization level, specify how many months of historical data should be considered, and specify how many months should be forecasted. In addition, you can choose to breakdown forecasted costs by the following dimensions: category, region, service, and vendor account (for example, AWS account, Azure subscription, and so on). |
Predicting what you may spend on cloud is a challenging task given the variable nature of cloud consumption and the effects of optimization activities such as Reservations and Rightsizing. Our Cloud Spend Forecast policies provide a number of ways to gain some insight into what your future spend may look like. The following policies can be applied:
This policy uses the Straight-Line method using a Simple model which uses a more basic calculation than the Linear Regression model to forecast your spend. You can choose to forecast at the Billing Center or entire Organization level, specify how many months of historical data should be considered, and specify how many months should be forecasted. In addition, you can choose to breakdown forecasted costs by the following dimensions: category, region, service, and vendor account (for example, AWS account, Azure subscription, and so on). |
Tracking your cloud spend against your vendor commitments can be important to ensure you are on track and can help with your budgeting and financial planning. In addition to tracking spend over a defined period (1-3 years) we also provide a forecast based on historical months to give an indication of what your spend at the end of the commitment may be. Applying the policy is as simple as specifying the cloud vendor, duration and amount of commitment and the cost basis—amortized or non-amortized—that you need to track. |
Note:Click the link in the Policy Name column to access the corresponding policy template.
Flexera One supports the following new Operational policies.
Policy Name |
Description |
Understanding the details of your cloud consumption is an important part of cloud financial management - whether you are looking to take advantage of committed use discounts or working closely with the cloud vendors to ensure capacity is available for your future needs. This Flexera One usage report will help you establish the number of compute hours by Instance/VM Type and Region to support you in achieving these outcomes. Applying these policies requires you to select the relevant AWS region for the analysis, or this can be left blank to analyze your organization as a whole. Note:This functionality is currently only available for AWS, however an Azure equivalent is in progress. |
Understanding the details of your cloud consumption is an important part of cloud financial management whether you are looking to take advantage of committed use discounts or working closely with the cloud vendors to ensure capacity is available for your future needs. This Flexera One usage report will help you establish the number of compute vCPUs by Instance/VM Type and Region to support you in achieving these outcomes. Applying these policies requires you to select the relevant AWS region for the analysis, or this can be left blank to analyze your organization as a whole. Note:This functionality is currently only available for AWS, however an Azure equivalent is in progress. |