Changes to vulnerability enrichment data in Technopedia API
Note:This enhancement is available with Technopedia.
Using Flexera One’s Technopedia API, you can manage vulnerable software and threats associated with your normalized inventory that gives directional insight and intelligence into your security risks. Using this data, you can see the risks in deployed software and patch versions, which will help you prioritize your security response.
With this enhancement, the following changes have been made to the Flexera One Technopedia API Datasets:
• | Added the cvss3Vector field to the Vulnerability dataset. |
• | Added the logic for displaying the values of the following fields in the Vulnerability dataset: |
• | cvssVector—If cvssScore is 0, the cvssVector value does not display. |
• | cvss3Vector—If cvss3Score is 0, the cvss3Vector value does not display. |
• | Changed the field names of the following fields in the Cve dataset: |
Old field name |
New field name |
cveRules |
threatRules |
cveScore |
threatScore |
exploitScore |
threatScore |
• | Changed the CveRule dataset name to ThreatRule dataset. |