SaaS Dashboard

The SaaS Dashboard enables you to see at a glance how much you are spending on Software as a Service (SaaS). The SaaS Dashboard also provides insight into how application licenses are used across organizations, so organizations can right-size application licenses to optimize spend.

To access the SaaS Dashboard, go to the Dashboards menu and select SaaS Dashboard.

For more details, see:

How often is the SaaS Dashboard data updated?
SaaS Dashboard Data Descriptions and Sources

How often is the SaaS Dashboard data updated?

The SaaS Dashboard data is updated when Flexera One pulls in new information regarding active/inactive/never active user counts. The new user counts cause the dashboard counts to be recalculated. Once the dashboard counts are recalculated, the data updates are displayed in the SaaS Dashboard.

Important:For Managed Applications that have an integration task error displayed in the Integration tab, you need to re-authenticate the integration to enable the cadence for updating your organization’s SaaS Dashboard data. For further error details, download the Execution Log in the Integration tab.

Some examples of pulling in new active/inactive/never active user count information include:

The application’s HR Roster information is updated.
The application’s Application Roster integration task is executed.
New usage events are pulled in.
An application’s activity threshold is modified.
Licenses are added or modified in the application’s Licenses tab.

SaaS Dashboard Data Descriptions and Sources

The following table provides SaaS Dashboard data descriptions and sources.

SaaS Dashboard Data


SaaS Management Data Source

Total Annual Spend

This is the sum of annual spend from all managed applications.

Managed SaaS Applications

Managed Applications

This is the number of applications your organization is managing using SaaS Management.

Note:the following:

The Managed Applications count excludes inactive applications.
When exporting the SaaS Dashboard data, the CSV file includes manged application grouping rows. These rows are excluded from the Managed Applications tile count in the SaaS Dashboard user interface.

Managed SaaS Applications

Managed Licenses

This is the total number of all managed licenses.

Note:If an application has multiple license types (see Activity Tab) listed in SaaS Management (Example: Office 365 Plan E3 and Plan E5), each license type counts as one managed license in the Managed Licenses tile count. When the SaaS Dashboard data is exported into a CSV file, the CSV file merges multiple license terms for each application into one row.

All SaaS Licenses

Underutilized Accounts

This number is the sum of all inactive and never active accounts across all managed applications.

Underutilized SaaS Accounts

Application Usage

This graph displays usage data for the top 5 applications with the highest annual spend.

Application usage is displayed with the number of active, inactive, and never active users. Clicking the application name or a bar in the Application Usage graph takes you to the application’s Overview Tab .

Note:For Salesforce applications, users with the following community and partner user licenses are excluded:

Customer Community Login
Customer Community Plus Login
Partner Community Login.

SaaS License Usage

Spend by Department

This graph displays the top 12 departments with the highest annual spend.

The total SaaS application spend is broken down by department or location, based on your organization’s HR Roster, with a cumulative departmental SaaS spend across all applications.

All SaaS Users

Upcoming Renewals

This graph displays the following upcoming renewal information for managed applications:

License end date
Annual license spend. For applications with licenses that span over an 18-month, two-year, or three-year period, the annual spend is prorated.

All SaaS Licenses