Individual Salesforce Org View

From the Salesforce All Orgs view, you can drill down to an individual Salesforce org. The individual Salesforce org view provides user and license activity in the Overview Tab, Licenses Tab , Integration Tab, Users Tab, Suspicious Activities Tab, and Activity Tab. In each of the individual Salesforce org tabs, you can go back to the Salesforce All Orgs view by clicking the View All Salesforce Orgs link. The Overview Tab for the Individual Salesforce Org View provides several options to drill through data to the Reclamation Opportunities tile in the Users Tab for the Individual Salesforce Org View to reclaim underutilized Salesforce licenses.

This section describes the following topics in further detail.

Individual Org Data Updates
Overview Tab for the Individual Salesforce Org View
AppExchange Tab for the Individual Salesforce Org View
Integration Tab for the Individual Salesforce Org View
Users Tab for the Individual Salesforce Org View
Suspicious Activities Tab for the Individual Salesforce Org View

Individual Org Data Updates

Some examples that would cause the data in the individual Salesforce org view to update in 1 hour include, but are not limited to, the following:

Changing a license definition
Adding or removing users in a HR Roster
Receiving users’ last login

Overview Tab for the Individual Salesforce Org View

The Overview tab for the individual Salesforce Org view has similar features as the Overview Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View. The following table describes the unique features for this view.



Application Details

Clicking this link takes you to the Application Details Slideout.

Activity Status

The Activity status graph shows for the selected Salesforce org the sum total and percentage of active, inactive, and never active users.

The activity status is calculated based on the user’s last login date and the current threshold listed above the Activity status bar graph. For more information, see Setting Activity Thresholds.

Activity Status Data Drill Through 

Clicking the green, yellow, or red bars in the Activity status graph or clicking the active/inactive/never active user links takes you to the selected Salesforce org’s Users tab. The data table in this Users tab is filtered based on the Activity Status column with the relevant filtered value (active/inactive/never active).

Days Since Last Activity

The Days since last activity graph shows for the selected Salesforce org the number of users whose last activity date falls between the preset date range.

Days Since Last Activity Data Drill Through 

Clicking the selected last activity date range takes you to the selected Salesforce org’s Users tab. The data table in this Users tab is filtered based on the Last Activity date column. The filtered value is based on the selected date range in the graph.
After analyzing user activity in the Last Activity date column, you can reclaim underutilized Salesforce licenses by clicking the Reclamation Opportunities tile. For more information, see Reclaiming SaaS Licenses.

Activity Status Over Time

The Activity Status Over Time graph shows over a 30-day, 1-year, or 2-year period the number of active, inactive, and never active users for the selected Salesforce org.

When 1 year or 2 years is chosen, each data point will be taken from the first day of each month.

For more information on how activity metrics are generated, see the Activity Status Over Time graph description in the Overview Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View.

User Licenses

This table shows the usage of each Salesforce user license in the selected Salesforce org. Following are the table column descriptions.

License Name 

This is the Salesforce user license name provided by Technopedia or a customer-provided license name if the SKU is not available in Technopedia.

License Name Data Drill Through 

Clicking the License Name link opens a License Details page for the selected Salesforce org. For more information, see the Salesforce License Drill Through View.


The column refers to the nonconsumption Salesforce license categories: user license, permission set license, and feature set license.


Based on the license contract, this column displays either:

The total remaining license seats
Unlimited for licenses with an unlimited number of seats.


Based on the license contract, this column displays either:

A line graph with the total assigned licenses vs. the total purchased licenses
The total number assigned licenses vs. unlimited. Example: 100/Unlimited. No line graph is displayed.

Consumption Licenses

This table shows the usage of each Salesforce consumption-based license in the selected Salesforce org. Following are the table column descriptions.

License Name 

This is the Salesforce consumption license name provided by Technopedia or a customer-provided license name if the SKU is not available in Technopedia.

Resource ID 

Displays the unique identifier for the resource object.

Usage Date 

Displays the most recent date and time when Salesforce took a snapshot of your org’s usage for this resource.


Displays the frequency of how often consumption-based Salesforce licenses are replenished. Examples: Once, Monthly, or Quarterly 


Based on the license contract, this column displays either:

The total remaining license seats
Unlimited for licenses with an unlimited number of seats.


Based on the license contract, this column displays either:

A line graph with the total consumed licenses vs. the total purchased licenses
The total consumed licenses vs. unlimited. Example: 100/Unlimited. No line graph is displayed.

AppExchange Tab for the Individual Salesforce Org View

The AppExchange tab for the individual Salesforce org view uses the same Managed AppExchange Packages UI and package user data table columns as the AppExchange Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View. The user data and the list of managed packages are specific to the selected Salesforce org.

Integration Tab for the Individual Salesforce Org View

When the AppExchange integration task is enabled for a Salesforce org, a link appears in the Description column of the Integration Tasks table for the Salesforce org’s Integration tab. Click the link to see the last run time of the AppExchange integration task in the AppExchange package’s Integration tab. The Last Run column in the Integration Tasks table of the Salesforce instance’s Integration tab is left blank and displays a dash “-”.

Users Tab for the Individual Salesforce Org View

The Users tab for the individual Salesforce org view uses the same columns as the Users Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View. The user data is specific to the selected Salesforce org. In this view, you can reclaim underutilized Salesforce licenses by clicking the Reclamation Opportunities tile. For more information, see Reclaiming SaaS Licenses.

AppExchange Column in the Users Tab for the Individual Salesforce Org View

The AppExchange column in the Users tab for the individual Salesforce Org view lists the managed AppExchange packages for each user that are specific to the selected Salesforce org. Package names are listed in a single row. Multiple packages are separated by commas.

If the selected Salesforce org has the AppExchange integration task enabled in the Integration Tab, then the AppExchange column and the users’ AppExchange package values display in the Users tab of the individual Salesforce Org view. When the AppExchange integration task is disabled in the Integration Tab, then the AppExchange column is hidden. To enable the AppExchange integration task, see Integrating a Salesforce Workspace Within SaaS Management.

Unmanaged packages are not displayed in the AppExchange column. To update your organization’s list of managed AppExchange packages, see the AppExchange Tab for the Salesforce All Orgs View.

Suspicious Activities Tab for the Individual Salesforce Org View

Users with the following Salesforce community and partner user licenses are excluded from the Suspicious Activities tab:

Customer Community Login
Customer Community Plus Login
Partner Community Login.

For more information on the Activity Type, see Tracking Suspicious SaaS Activities .