Calculated lifecycle data now available in Technopedia UI

Note:This feature is available with Technopedia.

Technopedia provides enrichment data such as lifecycle dates—General Availability (GA), End of Life (EOL), and Obsolete dates (the last date on which any support is provided by the vendor, captured the way it was published by the vendor)—in addition to software releases. Flexera’s Content Team curates these dates from various sources (direct from vendors' websites or other reliable sources). However, not every vendor provides this information publicly, leaving Technopedia customers facing the challenge of having to manage releases with missing lifecycle dates.

Calculated Lifecycle supplements the curated, research-based dates by introducing dynamic calculations on dates for a particular release based on existing dates from other related releases (such as releases under the same product, family, suite, vendor, category, and so on). These calculations provide additional data points to customers who need to have explicit dates in their EOL management use-cases, while at the same time still maintain full transparency that they are calculated dates.

With the calculated lifecycle data, you can better understand when the software might be at risk, even if not formally communicated by the vendor so that you can choose to take actions to mitigate vulnerabilities and support costs.

Previously, the calculated lifecycle data was only available in the Flexera One Technopedia API, but not in the Technopedia UI.

You can now manage software releases with missing lifecycle dates in the Flexera One Technopedia UI Software dashboard. For more information about how to use the Technopedia dashboards, see Technopedia Dashboards.

The following Calculated Lifecycle Data fields appear in the Software dashboard when you drill down to get the release details under the Lifecycle Details section.

New calculated date fields—These fields contain calculated values based on an algorithm that picks the best scenario (“case”) to calculate the missing dates. Each date field—General Availability, End of Life, Obsolete—has its own calculated date field.

Important:These dates are calculated, and not actual dates as published by the vendor.

New calculated “case” fields—These fields provide information on how the dates were calculated—whether they were calculated based on dates from other releases under the same product, calculated based on dates from other releases within the same suite, and so on.