User Event activity tracking and improved license reclamation workflow for Smartsheet

Note:This enhancement is available with SaaS Management.

Flexera’s SaaS Management has enhanced its Smartsheet integration by now offering user event activity tracking and improving the Smartsheet license reclamation workflow.

User Event activity tracking

For organizations with Smartsheet Enterprise plans and the add-on feature Event Reporting, SaaS Management’s integration with Smartsheet can now track user event activity data. The Smartsheet Event Reporting Reference lists all currently supported user event activity. For Smartsheet Pro and Business plans, SaaS Management’s integration with Smartsheet only tracks last login activity. For further details, refer to the API endpoints and the Smartsheet integration instruction section Integrating Smartsheet with SaaS Management.

Note:The SaaS Management License Information integration task is not yet supported for Smartsheet. Currently, there is no Smartsheet API endpoint that fetches license type information and the total number of available licenses.

Reclaiming Smartsheet User licenses

Smartsheet user licenses can now be reclaimed using a similar SaaS Management license reclamation workflow as used for reclaiming Microsoft 365 and Salesforce user licenses. Once Smartsheet user licenses are reclaimed in SaaS Management, the users become Free Collaborators in your organization’s Smartsheet account. Free Collaborators are not tracked in the Smartsheet Activity tab within SaaS Management. For further details, refer to the Smartsheet integration instruction section Reclaiming Smartsheet User Licenses.

API endpoints

Application Roster

Application Access

If Enable Event Activity is set as “Yes”:

If Enable Event Activity is set as “No” or left blank:
