Getting Started With Administration

Important: The Administration menu appears only if you have one of the following roles. For complete descriptions of each role available in Flexera One, see Flexera One Roles, or for information about IT Asset Management-specific authorizations, see Managing IT Asset Management Accounts.

Manage organization 
Administer organization 
Administrator for an IT Asset Management account

The Administration section of Flexera One involves establishing an identity and access management (IAM) framework, which provides access to capabilities in Flexera One based on access levels configured for that user.

The following table provides an overview of the topics that are covered.

Administration Help Topics



Identity Provider Configuration 

This section explains the following tasks to complete when Setting Up an Identity Provider for Flexera One record in Flexera One:

Adding a New Identity Provider
Adding a Domain
Verifying a Domain With a TXT Record
Creating a New Signing Key.

Access Management 

Includes an overview of Flexera One access management capabilities and functional descriptions including:

Viewing List of Flexera One Users
Adding New Users
Creating and Managing User Groups
Removing a User From an Organization
Downloading a List of Flexera One Users
Downloading Account Details
Flexera One Roles.

Security FAQs  

Flexera One security information including frequently asked questions.

IT Asset Management Organization Data FAQs 

Organizations with Flexera One’s SaaS and IT Visibility capabilities can use IT Asset Management organizational data as the source for their Human Resources (HR) Roster.

Cloud Settings  

How to configure Flexera One to ingest billing data from your cloud providers for the purpose of detailed analysis on your cloud spend.

Customizing Flexera One With Your Company Branding 

Managed Service Providers (MSPs), Flexera partners, or any customer with a subdomain configured for Flexera One can rebrand Flexera One to better control the experience delivered to their audience. This topic provides a complete list of currently supported customizations.