Getting Started With IT Visibility
• | View your application portfolio at a high level—IT Visibility gives you a view of your total software installs, so you can better understand your IT environment at a high level. |
• | Identify and rationalize software sprawl—You can view your software installs based on category, manufacturer, and version, so you can understand and rationalize sprawl, helping you reduce licensing costs and streamline your environment. |
• | Mitigate end-of-life risk—You can easily view which software releases are approaching end-of-life and you can also view which products are already at end-of-life, so that you can choose to take actions to mitigate vulnerabilities and support costs. |
• | Unlock deeper analysis—You can export your data set for further, deeper analysis using your own business intelligence tools or to import into downstream platforms such as a CMDB or ITFM system. |
• | Simplify analysis—Your IT environment present a large complex set of data that IT Visibility helps simplify through easy to understand visualizations. |
IT Visibility Screen Size Display Resolution Recommendation
For the best user experience when using IT Visibility, Flexera recommends viewing on a monitor with a minimum display resolution of 1280px width by 760px height. Additionally, changing your zoom to greater than 125% may cause unexpected results such as user interface elements disappearing.
The following table provides navigation to the following IT Visibility help topics.
Topic |
Description |
Explains how to upload inventory data into IT Visibility. |
Explains how to view the status and other information of a data import. |
Explains how to view and manage all the external inventory connections, including cloud-based connections. |
IT Visibility With Technology Intelligence Platform Overview |
Explains the out-of-the-box capabilities added to IT Visibility and the roles required for using Technology Intelligence Platform with IT Visibility. |
Discusses the functionality and prerequisites for upgrading to IT Visibility with the Technology Intelligence Platform as well as how to identify which version of IT Visibility you are on. |
Upgrading to the third version of IT Visibility is not automatically performed for customers who were onboarded prior to October 31, 2023. To request an upgrade, contact Flexera Support. For additional details including how to check if you are on the third version of IT Visibility, refer to this section. |
Explains how to access Technology Intelligence Platform reports and custom reports for users who have upgraded to IT Visibility with Technology Intelligence. |
Explains how to access IT Visibility dashboards and defines the available dashboards for customers who have not yet been upgraded to IT Visibility with Technology Intelligence. Links to additional learning are provided to help you get started managing IT Visibility dashboards. |
Using Data Explorer to Gain Interactive Insights Into Your IT Environment |
Explains the capabilities of Data Explorer, for customers who have not yet been upgraded to IT Visibility with Technology Intelligence, and how you can use it to gain visibility into your IT environment. For details, see:
Describes how to use the Contextual Data Store API for data mashup in IT Visibility with Technology Intelligence Platform. |
Describes, for customers who have not yet been upgraded to IT Visibility with Technology Intelligence, how to use data mashup features to upload custom, non-discoverable business context data from your IT environment into IT Visibility for use in Data Explorer. |
Explains how to export data from the IT Visibility platform, so that you can perform further custom analysis of your IT environment using the business intelligence or analytics tools of your choice. See the following help topics to export data using the Technology Intelligence Platform version or Pre-Technology Intelligence Platform export versions of IT Visibility:
Provides insights as to how hardware and software inventory has been normalized as well as how the normalization process identifies and merges duplicate devices. For details, see:
Explains how to see all your discovered software evidence with overall match counts, aligned with normalized results where applicable, on the Software Evidence page. |
Explains how to see all your discovered hardware evidence with match counts overall, aligned with normalized results where applicable, on the Hardware Evidence page. |
Explains how to see all your discovered devices on the Device Evidence page. |
Provides procedures for how you can use the Private Catalog to manage software that is not part of the global Technopedia catalogue; for example, in-house software, custom third-party software, and software that is inappropriate or of too low priority to be included in the global Technopedia catalog. |