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IT Asset Management
Inventory Adapters and Connectors Reference
(Cloud Edition)
Inventory Adapters and Connectors Reference
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IT Asset Management Inventory Adapters and Connectors Reference (Cloud Edition)
Inventory Comparison Matrix
AWS Adapter
Prerequisites and Setting Up
Thinking about Inventory and Licensing
Collecting Inventory from Instances
BYOL Licensing Considerations
Images for Different Kinds of Instances
Configuring an AMI for Short-Lived Instances
Configuring an AMI for Longer-Life Instances
Appendices: Technical Data
Appendix 1: Cmdlets in the
AWS adapter
Appendix 2: Data Imported by Amazon connector
Appendix 3: Enhanced Inventory Gathered by Agent
BMC Helix Discovery Adapter
Choosing a Configuration
How the Adapter Works
Database Table Creation
The Adapter Executable
Conditions for Use
How the Connector Works, and Prerequisites
The FlexNet inventory agent
Configuring BMC Discovery
Optional Patterns
Installing Optional Patterns
Enabling Optional Patterns
Rediscovering Affected Computers
Account Configuration for Adapter
Adapter Installation and Configuration
Choosing a Staging Server
Download the Adapter
Creating the Staging Database Tables
Installing and Configuring the Staging Tool
Installing the FlexNet inventory agent
Validation and Operation
Connector Configuration
Known Issues
Appendix A: Details of Patterns
Overview of Patterns
To configure the FileEvidence pattern
Appendix B: Data Mappings
Source to Staging
ADDMNetworkDevices_ci (Staging Table)
ADDMPrinters_ci (Staging Table)
ADDMVersion_ci (Staging Table)
Cluster_ci (Staging Table)
ClusterHost_ci (Staging Table)
CPUInformationDetail_ci (Staging Table)
DiscoveredInstalledPackages_ci (Staging Table)
DiscoveredPackages_ci (Staging Table)
DiscoveredService_ci (Staging Table)
DiscoveredVirtualMachine_ci (Staging Table)
FileEvidenceDetail_ci (Staging Table)
FileSystem_ci (Staging Table)
HardwareEvidenceDetail_ci (Staging Table)
Host_ci (Staging Table)
HostContainerProcessorInfo_ci (Staging Table)
HostDetail_ci (Staging Table)
HostInfo_ci (Staging Table)
InstallerEvidenceDetail_ci (Staging Table)
LastLoggedOnUserDetail_ci (Staging Table)
NetworkInterface_ci (Staging Table)
SoftwareInstance_ci (Staging Table)
SoftwareInstanceVirtualMachine_ci (Staging Table)
Staging to
IT Asset Management
Inventory Device (Computer)
Installer Evidence
File Evidence
WMI Evidence
Citrix Cloud Adapter
Architecture and Operation
Creating the Citrix Cloud Connector Connection
Citrix XenApp Server Adapter
Architecture, Operations and Prerequisites
Architecture and Operation
Setting Up the XenApp Server Adapter
Creating the Staging Database
Installing the XenApp Server Agent
Create a Scheduled Task
Create Connections for Data Upload
Command-Line Options
XenApp Server Agent Command Line Options
Validation, Troubleshooting, and Limitations
Validation and Problem Solving
Database Impacts
Affected Database Tables
Data Platform Integration
Integration with Data Platform v5
Configuring the Data Platform Connector
Data Mappings, Gaps, and Impacts
Comparison of Sources
Imported Installer Evidence
Imported Computers (Inventory Devices)
Imported VMs and Hosts
Imported Installation Records
Imported Users
Imported Software Usage
Flexera SaaS Manager Adapter
The Flexera SaaS Manager Connector
Configuring SaaS Manager Connector
Deprecating Other Connectors
Imported Data Mapping
HP DDMI Adapter
Purpose and Architecture of the HP DDMI Adapter
Installation and Configuration
Download Adapter Tools Archive
Creating the Staging Database
Configuring the FlexNet Agent for HP DDMI
Configuring Upload and Import Connection
HPE Universal Discovery Adapter
Selecting a Configuration
Architecture and Working of the HPE Universal Discovery Adapter
The Adapter Executable
Installation and Configuration
Download Adapter Tools Archive
Selecting a Staging Server
Creating the Staging Database Tables
Configuring HPE Universal Discovery System
Installing and Configuring the Staging Tool
Operation and Validation
HPE-UD Adapter Operation
Validating the HPE-UD Adapter
Inventory Adapter Studio
What Is Inventory Adapter Studio?
Cautions, Prerequisites, and References
The Inventory Adapter Studio Interface
Step Explorer
Edit panel
Installing Inventory Adapter Studio
Understanding Inventory Adapters
The Architecture of Compliance Importer
Structure of an Inventory Adapter
Structure of Templates for Inventory Adapters
Creating a New Adapter
Editing an Existing Adapter or Template
To Create a Source Connection
Overview: Process for Developing an Inventory Adapter
Adding a New Step to an Inventory Adapter
Removing a Step from an Inventory Adapter
Reordering Steps in an Inventory Adapter
Disconnected Mode
Tips for Editing an Adapter
To Save an Adapter
Testing an Adapter
To Run a Full Import
To Diagnose Readers for Your Adapter
Diagnosing Writers for Your Adapter
Publishing Your Adapter
Inventory Adapter Object Model
Inventory Object: AccessingDevice
Inventory Object: AccessingUser
Inventory Object: ActiveDirectoryComputer
Inventory Object: ActiveDirectoryDomain
Inventory Object: ActiveDirectoryExternalMember
Inventory Object: ActiveDirectoryGroup
Inventory Object: ActiveDirectoryMember
Inventory Object: ActiveDirectoryUser
Inventory Object: ActiveSyncDevice
Inventory Object: ClientAccessEvidence
Inventory Object: ClientAccessEvidenceMapping
Inventory Object: ClientAccessedAccessEvidence
Inventory Object: ClientAccessedAccessOccurrence
Inventory Object: Cluster
Inventory Object: ClusterGroup
Inventory Object: ClusterGroupMember
Inventory Object: ClusterHostAffinityRule
Inventory Object: ClusterNode
Inventory Object: Computer
Inventory Object: ComputerCustomProperty
Inventory Object: ConsolidatedAccessEvidence
Inventory Object: ConsolidatedCluster
Inventory Object: ConsolidatedClusterGroup
Inventory Object: ConsolidatedClusterHostAffinityRule
Inventory Object: ConsolidatedComputer
Inventory Object: ConsolidatedFileEvidence
Inventory Object: ConsolidatedInstallerEvidence
Inventory Object: ConsolidatedOracleDatabaseUser
Inventory Object: ConsolidatedRemoteAccessFile
Inventory Object: ConsolidatedRemoteAccessInstaller
Inventory Object: ConsolidatedVMPool
Inventory Object: ConsolidatedWMIEvidence
Inventory Object: Domain
Inventory Object: EvidenceAttribute
Inventory Object: FileEvidence
Inventory Object: ILMTPVUCounts
Inventory Object: InstalledFileEvidence
Inventory Object: InstalledFileEvidenceUsage
Inventory Object: InstalledInstallerEvidence
Inventory Object: InstalledInstallerEvidenceAttribute
Inventory Object: InstalledInstallerEvidenceUsage
Inventory Object: InstalledWMIEvidence
Inventory Object: InstallerEvidence
Inventory Object: InstallerEvidenceRepackageMapping
Inventory Object: Instance
Inventory Object: InstanceUser
Inventory Object: LicenseUser
Inventory Object: RelatedInstalledInstallerEvidence
Inventory Object: RemoteUserToApplicationAccess
Inventory Object: Site
Inventory Object: SiteSubnet
Inventory Object: SoftwareLicense
Inventory Object: SoftwareLicenseAllocation
Inventory Object: User
Inventory Object: VDI
Inventory Object: VDITemplate
Inventory Object: VDIUser
Inventory Object: VMHostManagedBySoftware
Inventory Object: VMPool
Inventory Object: VirtualMachine
Inventory Object: WMIEvidence
Microsoft 365 Adapter
Microsoft 365 License Management Considerations
Managing Microsoft 365 Licenses through
IT Asset Management
Connecting to Microsoft 365
Prerequisites and Configuration Considerations
Creating Connections to Microsoft 365
IT Asset Management
’s Multi-Tenant App to Connect to Microsoft 365
Registering an App to Connect to Microsoft 365 Using the Azure Portal
Configuring Token Lifetimes in Azure Active Directory
Creating Connections Using the Microsoft Office 365 (Deprecated) Connector
Troubleshooting Imports from Microsoft 365
Troubleshooting Microsoft 365 Connector Imports from Microsoft 365
Troubleshooting Microsoft Office 365 (Deprecated) Connector Imports from Office 365
Migrating to a New Microsoft Connector
Microsoft App-V Server Adapter
Architecture, Components, and Prerequisites
Architecture and Operation for App-V 4.6
Architecture and Operation for App-V 5 and Later
Set Up and Operations
Obtaining (and Deploying) the Adapter Components
Command Line for PowerShell Script
File Format for .raa
Configuring the Adapter
Import Evidence and Recognize Applications
Issues and Limitations
Investigating Issues
Known Issues
Data mapping
App-V Release 4.6 Data Transfers
App-V Release 5.0 (and Later) Data Transfers
Microsoft Azure Adapter
Prerequisites and Setting Up
Certificate-based Authentication Prerequisites and Setting Up
Thinking about Inventory and Licensing
Collecting Inventory from Instances
BYOL Licensing Considerations
Configuring an Azure VM Image for Instances
Appendices: Technical Data
Appendix 1: Cmdlets in Azure PowerShell
Appendix 2: Data Imported by Microsoft Azure Connector
Appendix 3: Enhanced Inventory Gathered by Agent
Microsoft Intune Adapter
What data is retrieved
Register an Application in Azure Active Directory
Creating the Microsoft Intune Connection
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Adapter (beta)
Prerequisites for the OCI Adapter
Oracle Enterprise Manager Adapter
Understanding the Oracle Enterprise Manager Adapter
How the Adapter Assists in Inventory Gathering
Prerequisites for the OEM Adapter
Download Adapter Tools Archive
Installing the Adapter, and More
Installing the OEM adapter
Grant Permissions to Account
Other Setup Activities
Inventory-Gathering Accounts on Oracle Servers
Save Inventory Account in Password Manager
Assign Beacon to Subnet
Configure Collection of Oracle Inventory
Modifying the Adapter
Reconfiguring the OEM Adapter
Updating Connection Details
Configure Data Staging
Managing Email Alerts
Configure Logging
Salesforce Adapter
Salesforce License Considerations
Viewing Salesforce License Information with
IT Asset Management
Connecting to the Salesforce Online Service
Managing Connections to
ServiceNow Integration with
IT Asset Management
Key Concepts
Data Types that Can Be Merged
How Data Is Merged
Source of Truth
Where to View Merged Data
ServiceNow Computer and Application Records
Architecture, Components, and Prerequisites
Download Adapter Tools Archive
Installation and Configuration
Setting Up the Integration
Installing the Flexera Integration Application from the ServiceNow Store
Creating a ServiceNow Integration User
Setting Up Data Flows from
IT Asset Management
to ServiceNow
Configuring ServiceNow for Import
IT Asset Management
for Export
Setting Up Data Flows from ServiceNow to
IT Asset Management
Setting Up a MID Server
Configuring ServiceNow for Export
Configuring FlexNet Beacon for Import
Operational Details
Process for Exports from
IT Asset Management
to ServiceNow
Import Runs Columns
Import Transactions Columns
Transform Maps for ServiceNow Integration
Process for Exports from ServiceNow to
IT Asset Management
Properties for Export Columns
Business Adapter Mappings
Integration Properties
Additional ServiceNow Indexes for Performance
Removing a Legacy Integration Application
Configuring the Software Asset Management Foundation Plugin
Deleting Records from ServiceNow
ServiceNow Inventory Adapter
ServiceNow Inventory Connector
Purpose and Architecture
Setting up ServiceNow for the Inventory Connector
Setting up the Integration Application
Creating a ServiceNow Integration User
Setting Up a MID Server
Scheduling Inventory Exports
Configuring the Inventory Connector on the Beacon
Setting the Import Schedule
Setting Connector Details, and Validation
Appendices: Data Flows
Imported Installer Evidence (with Discovery only)
Imported Computer Property Mapping
Imported Installer Evidence (with SAM)
Tanium Adapter
FlexNet Beacon
Server Prerequisites
Tanium Server Prerequisites
Creating a Flexera SQL Edition view within Tanium Asset
Configure FlexNet Beacon to Connect with Tanium
Validating Imports to the Inventory Beacon
Tanium Adapter Architecture
Investigating Tanium Connection Errors
Appendix: Technical Data
VMware Horizon Adapter
Architecture and Operation
Creating the VMware Horizon Connection
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